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Ship Cucumber Appetizer

Ship Cucumber Appetizer
Ship Cucumber Appetizer

Video: How To Make A Cucumber Boat || Cucumber Boat Salad Decoration 2024, July

Video: How To Make A Cucumber Boat || Cucumber Boat Salad Decoration 2024, July

Snacks prepared with imagination and having an unusual form of serving decorate the festive table. Having made boats of cucumbers, you will delight loved ones, especially children. It’s easy to make this appetizer.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • bell peppers of red and yellow colors - 1 each

  • finely chopped parsley and dill - 1 tablespoon

  • crab sticks - 150 g

  • canned corn - 2 tablespoons

  • 4 medium-sized cucumbers

  • egg - 3 pieces

  • salt

  • mayonnaise

Instruction manual


Wash the cucumbers. Medium-sized fruits are better for this dish. After cutting them in half, gently remove the flesh. To do this, you can use a special knife or a teaspoon.


Remove the seeds from the bell pepper. Wash it. Finely chop the pulp of a cucumber, yellow pepper, eggs, crab sticks. Add corn, greens, salt, mayonnaise here.


Fill the boats made from cucumbers with the prepared mixture. From red pepper, cut triangles. It will be sails. Putting each on a skewer, fix them on the boats.

Useful advice

You can make the filling for this dish differently. For example, mix chopped chicken eggs with grated cheese, herbs, mayonnaise. And do not make sails from pepper, but from slices of cucumber, placing pieces of red slightly salted fish on skewers that will resemble flags. There are many options, just show your imagination.

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