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Ice cream dessert

Ice cream dessert
Ice cream dessert

Video: 10 Tasty Ice Cream Dessert Recipes 2024, July

Video: 10 Tasty Ice Cream Dessert Recipes 2024, July

A delicious apple dessert, which is quite simple to prepare, will delight your guests.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • For 4 servings:

  • - 100 ml of water;

  • - 60 g of granulated sugar;

  • - 50 g of butter;

  • - 4 sour apples (Antonovka, Ranet);

  • - 4 balls of vanilla ice cream;

  • - 2 tbsp. tablespoons of apple juice;

  • - 2 tablespoons of currant jelly;

  • - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of raisins;

  • - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lemon juice;

  • - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped almonds;

  • - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of cereal.

Instruction manual


To make syrup, pour water into a saucepan and dissolve the granulated sugar. Bring everything to a boil and, without interfering, boil the syrup over low heat for a while. Then remove the pan from the stove. Add apple juice to the syrup and cool the mixture.


Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Lubricate the heat-resistant mold with 1 teaspoon of butter. Wash apples, peel and core. Cut about 1/3 from each fruit, and then transfer the apples to a heat-resistant form. Pour the fruit into the prepared syrup.


Mix currant jelly with raisins, lemon juice, and almonds. Fill apples with this mass. Put the mold in the oven for 40-45 minutes. Bake apples until they are soft.


Heat the remaining butter in a pan and fry the oatmeal on it. Remove the finished apples from the oven and cool a little. Put a scoop of ice cream on each fruit. Sprinkle the flakes and serve immediately.


Instead of syrup, you can take apple liquor, such as calvados, and pour apples on it. So you significantly reduce the preparation of dessert.

Useful advice

The core of apples is cut with a special knife, after which the fruit is completely cleaned. The peel is removed in the direction from the handle and down to about 1/3 of the height of the fruit.

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