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Which fruit has the most protein?

Which fruit has the most protein?
Which fruit has the most protein?

Video: Top 10 Fruits Rich in Protein 2024, July

Video: Top 10 Fruits Rich in Protein 2024, July

Proteins are vital for the body, as the amino acids obtained from them are used to build new cells. Protein is believed to be fairly low in protein. There are, however, fruits that stand out from the rest with a higher protein content.


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Avocado, in addition to being one of the most high-calorie fruits, is also unusually rich in protein. Moreover, this protein is very high quality and is digested better than its analogue from meat or poultry. Therefore, vegetarians value fruit so much. For 100 g of pulp, 1.6-2.1 g of protein is accounted for. Avocado is a dietary product that saturates well and is very useful due to the presence of vitamins and minerals in the composition. Perhaps it can be called the highest-protein fruit.


About 2 g of protein - in 100 g of passion fruit, which is 3% of the total weight of the fruit, and for a fruit it is a lot. Nutritionists recommend consuming passion fruit for the prevention of various diseases due to its unique properties.


1.81 g of protein per 100 date palm fruits, which are usually sold as dried fruits. There are a lot of carbohydrates in dates, so it is recommended to use them in limited quantities, especially for patients with diabetes mellitus.


Exotic fruit durian, growing in Asia, contains up to 1.47 g of protein per 100 g of product. This fruit is quite peculiar, it has an unpleasant odor and has a number of contraindications, among which are individual intolerance. However, in moderate amounts, durian can benefit the body - strengthen the immune system, etc.


One medium-sized banana (which usually weighs about 150 g) contains about 1 g of protein, in larger copies - up to 1.8 g. Up to 2.8-3.5 g of protein per 100 g of dried bananas. This fruit is often preferred by athletes, however, not so much because of the proteins in it (the percentage of which seems to be insufficient for many athletes), but because of the high calorie content and nutritional value. An interesting fact: the tryptophan protein contained in bananas is used by the body to process joy hormone serotonin, i.e. these fruits contribute to uplifting.


The same amount (about 1 g) of protein is present in such an exotic fruit as kiwi. In addition, the unique enzymes in kiwi help digest proteins derived from other products - dairy, meat, fish. Due to this, protein assimilation in the body is faster and more complete.


From 0.9 to 1.6 g of protein, according to various sources, may be contained in 100 g of nectarine - a fruit of Chinese origin. It looks like a peach, but has a sweeter taste, making it very popular.


Approximately 0.9 g of protein, including a number of essential amino acids, is contained in 100 g of apricots. The presence of a large number of vitamins and other beneficial substances makes apricot one of the most valuable fruits for humans.


Dried fruits are high in protein. So, in 100 g dried apricots (dried apricots) - about 3.75 g of protein, in 100 g of prunes - 2.5 g.

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