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Duck breast with grape sauce

Duck breast with grape sauce
Duck breast with grape sauce

Video: Duck Breast with Grape Salsa | Everyday Gourmet S5 E10 2024, July

Video: Duck Breast with Grape Salsa | Everyday Gourmet S5 E10 2024, July

Amazingly tender duck meat, obtained thanks to grape sauce, will not leave indifferent all lovers of delicious cuisine.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 2 duck breasts

  • - 250 g pitted red large grapes

  • - 150 ml of red dry wine

  • - 2 tbsp Sahara

  • - 40 g butter

  • - salt and black pepper - to taste

Instruction manual


Cut off excess fat from duck breasts, clear of films.


Cut the skin crosswise, salt and pepper. Then put the breasts in a pan with the skin down and fry slowly over a quiet fire, occasionally draining the accumulated fat. This method allows you to melt most of the fat from the breasts and make the skin more crisp.


After 20-25 minutes, when the skin turns golden, increase the heat to maximum and fry the breasts on the meat side, then put them on a plate.


Put the frying pan on the fire again, leaving in it about 1 tbsp. l duck fat.


Add the grapes, cut in half, and fry it a little. Then add sugar.


After the sugar has melted, pour the wine into the pan and, carefully scraping the adhering pieces from the bottom with a spatula, boil the liquid to half the volume.


When the sauce is almost ready, carefully mix the butter in it.


Slice the duck breasts, pour over the resulting sauce and serve.

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