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Rusks and crackers: step by step recipes with photos for easy cooking

Rusks and crackers: step by step recipes with photos for easy cooking
Rusks and crackers: step by step recipes with photos for easy cooking

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Homemade crackers and crackers are a wonderful dish that can be prepared from the remaining excess bread or from bakery products specially purchased for this. This is a pleasant “snack” for those who have no time to have a full dinner, a nice and low-calorie replacement cigarettes for quitters, a delicious tea party supplement or a tasty beer snack.


Pick your recipe

The value of carbohydrates is well known. Rusks are an excellent source of carbohydrates, well absorbed by the body, but the store product has many rather harmful chemical additives, and therefore it is better to cook the dish at home.

There are so many recipes for easy cooking of crackers and crackers that it is difficult to choose the product that you want to feast on. This light homemade snack is prepared in a variety of ways: in bacon, butter, broths and cream, dried in a microwave, fried in a pan and baked in the oven.

Useful Tips

1. You can cut bread (or cooked loaf) in many ways, for example, as in the photo.


But the cut will be the most successful, which will appeal to the "eaters". For tea, it is best to cut into large plastics, or immediately take a sliced ​​loaf (with raisins), and make crackers, and as a snack for beer, small cubes or elongated bars are best.

2. In the step-by-step preparation of this simple and tasty dish, there is one interesting trick - to mix sliced ​​bread slices with added spices more carefully, they can be folded into a durable plastic bag, the bottom of which should be filled with the required amount of oil, and spices and salt should be poured on top of bread. Then shake the bag thoroughly - and you're done! All crackers are uniformly saturated with additives. Of course, this condition will not work with large crackers.


3. Do not overdo it with seasonings, even if you really love them! Bread products instantly absorb any smell and taste, so remember that you only need to emphasize and complement the bread taste of crackers, and not interrupt it with the aroma of herbs.

4. Feel free to experiment with vegetable oils: olive, sunflower, sesame, buckwheat or peanut - any of them has a peculiar taste that you might like.

5. To keep crackers fragrant and crisp for a long time, immediately after baking, pour them into an airtight container and tightly close the lid. But it is worth considering that long-term storage of products soaked in any oil is not recommended - the oil turns into rather harmful chemical compounds.

Beer crackers

For one serving: 250 g of bread (best of 1-2 days ago, so it crumbles less), 2 cloves of garlic, 2 tablespoons. tablespoons of vegetable oil, salt, black pepper, spices to taste.

White or even better rye bread should be cut into small cubes. Garlic should not be passed through a “crush” or grated - it sticks together. It is best to finely chop with a sharp knife.


Pour butter in a bag or in a large bowl, put slices of bread, mix well and let it soak for half an hour. During this time, preheat the oven to about 150 degrees. We spread pieces on a baking sheet covered with culinary foil or parchment paper, evenly distribute and bake for about 20 minutes, sometimes stirring.

Conventional seasoned crackers

Each of us has our favorite seasonings, which we add to almost any dish. If there is not too fresh white bread left in the house, you can make an interesting snack with a low calorie content - homemade crackers with your favorite spices. Step by step recipe:

We cut the bread into cubes, dry it in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees to a golden hue.

At this time, we are preparing a “dressing” - for 300 g of bread 3 liters. olive oil, a pinch of salt and a mixture of your favorite seasonings. Dissolve all the ingredients in oil, mix thoroughly.

When the crackers are ready, still hot combine them with the "dressing" and mix gently. You can try to add or seasoning in the process, achieving the desired proportions.

Rusks with cheese, a classic recipe

For 300 g of bread you need about 50 g of any cheese, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 tables. tablespoons of any vegetable oil, a pinch of salt, seasoning to taste. Grind cheese and garlic, mix with butter and salt and thoroughly “roll” sliced ​​bread with the resulting mixture.


Put the snacks evenly on the laid baking sheet and bake for about 20-30 minutes until a pleasant sunny golden color. Please note: crackers should be mixed often so that the cheese is not baked in separate pieces.

Rusks with cream and muffin sugar

Buns or loaf to your taste (you can stale) cut into slices as thin as possible. Cook cream and sugar. Cream can be replaced with milk or a whipped mixture of milk with jam, milk with an egg.

Grease each slice with cream using a brush on both sides and sprinkle with sugar (to taste) on one. It’s not worth dipping - this is how we get croutons, not crackers.


We spread our slices on a baking sheet with sugar and put in the oven preheated to 160 degrees for about 15-20 minutes, until browning.

Ordinary crackers with lard

In a meat grinder, we prepare a mixture for loafing crackers: 2 cloves of garlic, a little dill and 100 g of bacon for about 300 g of bread. If fresh lard is taken, you need to add a pinch of salt.

We cut the bread into slices about 0.5 cm thick, thinly grease it with a mixture of lard, garlic and dill, and then cut it into small squares. We spread on a baking sheet, dried at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 15 minutes. Fragrant crackers are ready!

Long loaf crackers with butter

Crackers according to this recipe are best cooked in the microwave. We take an ordinary sliced ​​loaf, thinly grease with butter and lightly sprinkle with icing sugar on one side.

Spread sugar up. Dry to a golden color. If the slices are thicker than 1 cm, inside they can remain soft.


To avoid this, when cooking in the oven, you can keep the oven door open. So excess moisture evaporates faster. But perhaps you will just like the soft core. In any case, it all depends on the taste of the cook.

Crackers with nuts

We take old white bread and any nuts in the proportions 1: 1. Cut the bread into slices roughly equal to nuts. For 200 g of bread and 200 g of nuts you need 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil and a pinch of salt.

We spread the pieces of bread and nuts in a bag, pour oil, salt, carefully shake and evenly distribute in a heat-resistant form. We send to the oven preheated to 160-180 degrees for about 20 minutes.

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