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What to use bran

What to use bran
What to use bran

Table of contents:

Video: How to Use Oat Bran for Weight Loss? Is Oat Bran Good for Weight Loss? Eat Oat Bran to Lose Weight 2024, July

Video: How to Use Oat Bran for Weight Loss? Is Oat Bran Good for Weight Loss? Eat Oat Bran to Lose Weight 2024, July

Bran is a by-product of flour milling, consisting of unsorted flour and the remaining shells of grain. Due to the high content of fiber, minerals and vitamins, they have a positive effect on digestion and overall health. However, they need to be consumed in a certain way, otherwise they will lead to the opposite effect.


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How to introduce bran into the diet

Bran can be of different types - from granular to crispy sticks. Any of them should be introduced into the diet gradually, especially if before taking them you were fond of baking, white bread and other soft and not very healthy food. Typically, on packages with bran, you can find information on how much they should be eaten, but at least half the quantity indicated on the package should be used to get used to “rough” products.

It is best to start with 1 teaspoon per day for 10 days. Then, the amount of product consumed can be increased to a tablespoon daily for 2 weeks. And after - up to 1 tbsp. tablespoons 2-3 times a day. But at the same time, it is important to pay attention to your well-being - it is it that should tell you whether the selected amount is suitable or not. During the reception of bran no problems, and even more pain should not be. It is best to use bran courses, taking breaks between them in a month or two.

How to eat bran

Since bran is a rather coarse food, it needs to be washed down with plenty of water, milk or natural juice. Otherwise, they can damage the delicate mucosa of the esophagus, stomach and intestines.

It is best to steam the required amount of product in hot water, wait 15-20 minutes until the bran swells and becomes softer, then drain the water and eat the resulting slurry, washed down with the same milk, juice, kefir, yogurt or plain water.

Soaked bran can also be added to various dishes, such as cereals, soups and even salads. Perhaps eating them in this way will be much nicer. Bran in the form of crispy sticks can be used as a snack, eat them with tea or coffee.

Contraindications to bran consumption

When using any medications or vitamin complexes, bran should be eaten only after 6 hours or abandon them altogether, if you need to take medications several times a day. The fact is that this product helps to remove various harmful substances from the body, but together with them it can capture a certain proportion of the components included in the drugs.

Bran is not recommended for exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases such as gastritis, cholecystitis, various types of ulcers, colitis. Only when the mucosa is restored, can they be used again to cleanse the body and saturate it with various nutrients that carry bran with them.

It is not recommended to get involved in bran and consume too much of them, as this can lead to digestion, constipation, flatulence and other gastrointestinal diseases. And also provoke hypovitaminosis.

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