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Pork Meat Recipes

Pork Meat Recipes
Pork Meat Recipes

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Video: Gordon Ramsay's Top 5 Pork Recipes 2024, July

Video: Gordon Ramsay's Top 5 Pork Recipes 2024, July

Pork dishes are popular with many lovers of tasty and juicy meat. Pork can be fried in several ways, baked or made from it amazing kebab.


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Fried pork neck

With proper frying, the pork neck acquires a golden crust and remains juicy and aromatic.


- pork neck - 1 kg;

- frying oil - to taste;

- salt - to taste;

- black pepper - to taste.

First, rinse the meat thoroughly under running cold water and cut into portions. Rub each piece a little with ground black pepper. Then take a large deep frying pan, grease with vegetable oil, put on a strong fire. Put pieces of meat on a heated frying pan. Fry pork for 6-7 minutes on each side until golden brown. It is recommended to turn over the meat during frying once so that it remains juicy. When the pork is ready, salt it on all sides and extinguish the fire. Cover the pan and let the meat brew for 10 minutes.

Baked pork

To get aromatic and juicy baked meat, it is recommended to cook pork in foil.


- pork meat - 1.5 kg;

- garlic - 4 pcs.;

- seasonings - to taste;

- pork fat - to taste;

- water - 100 ml;

- ground black pepper - to taste;

- salt - to taste.

Rinse the meat first and pat dry on all sides. Rub the pork with salt, pepper, your favorite seasonings and garlic, previously squeezed through the garlic. Leave the meat for about one hour for marinating. Then take the foil and spread it on a baking sheet crosswise. Pour a piece of pickled meat with pork fat and place in the center of the pan on the foil. Wrap the pork with foil on all sides and turn it “seam” down. Pour 100 ml of water on a baking sheet and bake the meat in the oven for about one and a half to two hours. To cover the pork with a golden crust, unfold the foil half an hour before being ready. Ready meat can be served with any side dish or fresh vegetables.

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