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Cookies recipe Minute with step by step cooking

Cookies recipe Minute with step by step cooking
Cookies recipe Minute with step by step cooking

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Shortbread cookies with the talking name "Minute" is one of the housewives' favorite homemade products, as its recipe is as simple as possible. Cooking also does not take much time and effort - while this cookie is very tasty, fragrant and crumbly.


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Simple recipe

For the preparation of a simple “Minutka” shortbread cookie, take 300-400 g of wheat flour, 150 g of sugar, 60 g of milk, 200-250 g of butter or margarine and 1 tsp. vanilla sugar. First of all, prepare the base for the cookies by taking the butter out of the refrigerator to soften it, then mash it to the consistency of thick sour cream and mix with vanilla and regular sugar. Then whisk the resulting butter-sugar mass until a lush cap is formed and gradually mix with small portions of milk. After the sugar has dissolved, add the sifted wheat flour to the mixture and thoroughly knead the resulting dough until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

Vanilla sugar in the preparation of homemade cookies "Minute" can be replaced with ordinary vanilla on the tip of a knife.

Fill a special pastry bag with a toothed end with a finished dough and squeeze cookies with a diameter of about 3 cm onto a baking sheet, pre-oiled, and be sure to leave spaces between them, since the “Minutka” is prone to slight sprawl during baking. Baking cookies takes place in the oven, preheated to 180-200 degrees for 20-25 minutes. The degree of readiness must be closely monitored, since the baking time of the “Minute” depends on the characteristics of the oven and the size of the baked cookies. Otherwise, it can burn - and if you set a lower temperature, it simply spreads over the baking sheet.

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