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Separate nutrition as a way to lose weight

Separate nutrition as a way to lose weight
Separate nutrition as a way to lose weight

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Video: WEIGHT LOSS TIPS // 9 science-backed tips to lose weight + keep it off 2024, July

Video: WEIGHT LOSS TIPS // 9 science-backed tips to lose weight + keep it off 2024, July

A person who wants to lose weight can try more than one diet before finding that diet that will allow him to successfully lose weight and not lose the pleasure of life. One of the most popular systems recently is the principle of separate power supply.


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Scientific justification of the separate power system

The ancestor of the separate nutrition system is considered naturopath Herbert Shelton. Based on the works of Pavlov, he came to the conclusion that when only one type of food enters the stomach, enzymes work more actively. If you eat a certain complex dish, some foods will be digested immediately, while others will patiently wait for their turn, which will lead to fermentation and decay.

Confirmations of this theory can be found in the notes of the doctors of Ancient Greece and Rome, who compiled lists of the most successful combinations of products. Their recommendations are consistent with the theory of separate nutrition.

Modern scientists criticize this concept. All food that enters the stomach is digested simultaneously, without adhering to any order. Nutritionists agree with them.

In some cases, the body is indeed unable to digest two products at the same time. However, this is a pathology and requires medical intervention, and not the use of a diet.

Does Separate Nutrition Help Lose Weight

Perhaps part of Shelton’s statements was erroneous, but do not immediately abandon the principle of separate nutrition - it has its advantages. For example, this scheme offers fractional food intake, which has a very positive effect on the figure.

Separate food does not imply an abundance of food on the table - you can not enjoy fried potatoes with chicken. This means that overeating becomes much more difficult. Yes, and meat with vegetables, and rice with legumes the body is really easier to digest than the abundance of heavy food. If you stick to the recommended menu, losing weight will not take long - in a month you can get rid of 4-6 kilograms without too limiting yourself and not be tormented by hunger.

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