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The benefits of cabbage

The benefits of cabbage
The benefits of cabbage

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Video: The Awesome Health Benefits Of Cabbage 2024, July

Video: The Awesome Health Benefits Of Cabbage 2024, July

History says that the first Greek immigrants brought cabbage to the territory of Russia over a thousand years ago. Since then, it has become a part of national cuisine and a permanent "inhabitant" of store shelves. However, few people know what the benefits of cabbage are. But this vegetable is not only available to every Russian, but also is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals.


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Fresh white cabbage

There are six varieties of cabbage, but in Russia ordinary white "heads of cabbage" are most popular. However, the freshest vegetables should be selected for food, because they retain a maximum of vitamin C, which is destroyed during storage. In addition, fresh cabbage is saturated with such important trace elements as potassium, phosphorus and calcium. Thus, it is indicated for people with heart and vascular diseases, as well as for those who are tired of struggling with brittle hair, nails, teeth and bones.

The benefit of cabbage also lies in the low calorie content of the fresh product and the almost complete absence of carbohydrates in it. Not surprisingly, doctors recommend using it as food for patients diagnosed with obesity and diabetes.

For pregnant women, fresh cabbage is a source of folic acid, essential for the normal development of the fetus; it is indicated for ulcers due to the high content of vitamin U (aka methyl methionine); the presence of a rare tartronic acid, which prevents the deposition of fats, makes it a real find for those who care about their figure.

Fresh red cabbage

Such cabbage contains anthocyanin - a substance that gives it a characteristic burgundy hue. Once in the human body, it strengthens the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, and also reduces the risk of blood clots. Also, the benefit of red cabbage is in the high protein content necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. And the presence of selenium in its composition has a beneficial effect on human immunity.


Typically, vegetables that have undergone any kind of processing lose a number of valuable properties. But not sauerkraut! Moreover, the benefits of cabbage cooked in this way go beyond the imaginable limits. Firstly, in fermented form, even during prolonged storage in the winter, it retains a shock dose of vitamin C, which is also transferred to brine. Secondly, it is enriched with lactic and acetic acids, which destroy harmful microorganisms that develop in the human stomach. Thirdly, sauerkraut is a cheap, natural and safe way to normalize cholesterol. And some scientists even argue that regular consumption of sauerkraut is an excellent cancer prevention.

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