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Useful eating habits for the whole family with the Golden Standard natural ice cream

Useful eating habits for the whole family with the Golden Standard natural ice cream
Useful eating habits for the whole family with the Golden Standard natural ice cream

Video: Tips For When You Are "Too Busy To Eat" | Nigella Bites | Tonic 2024, July

Video: Tips For When You Are "Too Busy To Eat" | Nigella Bites | Tonic 2024, July

Attention to nutrition and health, passion for the theme of naturalness are the trends of our time. We try to make changes in our eating behavior, carefully monitor the composition and choose products from natural ingredients. Nutrition experts at the Public-Talk talked about how to form the right eating habits and choose a healthy treat: gastronomic trends and the right eating habits with Golden Standard ice cream.


Pick your recipe

“The role of food in our life is much broader than simply replenishing energy resources, ” says psychologist Yekaterina Milushina. “For example, we use food to interact with others, we try to manage stress and mood with it. In this way, eating habits are formed - behavior programs, which always "work" in certain conditions. Like any other, eating habits can be both useful and harmful, and the latter include: impulsive eating, evening overeating, tea or coffee with a large quantity ETS sugar, bread with every meal, and others. Useful settings in the diet is considered to be an everyday breakfast and split meals and drinking plenty of water. " According to the expert, it is necessary to cultivate eating habits from childhood. Scientists from Cornell University proved (1): the more parents insist on clean plates (the famous "So that nothing remains on the plate!"), The more children will eat up on something harmful outside the home, exercising their freedom. "Therefore, it is important to start with the most important thing: to instill in children a culture of family meals, develop curiosity about their nutrition, interest in studying the composition of products, which, in fact, is the key to health, " says the psychologist. "We will significantly change our approach to food, if we choose products only from natural ingredients."

To adjust eating habits, the psychologist suggests starting with one, at most two, of the “wrong” eating habits. "Create an image of" ideal "behavior. Next, determine the period when you plan to achieve the goal, and assign yourself a reward for achieving the desired result, " says Ekaterina Milushina. The next stage is the gradual introduction of changes and fixing them in their behavior. It is important to remember that strict diets and food bans lead to breakdowns, lead to the formation of food dependence. According to the expert, the formation of a “new” habit on average will take from 21 to 28 days. “Among people who adjust their diet, there is a myth about the dangers of sweets, they limit themselves, which will inevitably lead to poor mood and breakdowns, ” the psychologist continues. “Many people forget that some sugary foods are good for health, in particular ice cream. From a psychophysiological point of view it contains important amino acids that stimulate the production of serotonin, the hormone of happiness, add ice cream to your family diet and more often get together with your family and friends for your favorite dessert. it mood and strengthen family values."

Dietitian, member of the National Association of Dietitians and Nutritionists Elena Tikhomirova believes that ice cream is a nutritious snack and light dessert for children (2) and their parents. “100 g of ice cream contains only 232 kcal, 15 g of milk fat and 20 g of carbohydrates, ” the expert says. “For comparison: 100 g of chocolate contains more than 500 kcal, 100 g of marshmallow or pastille - 350 kcal, 100 g of puff pastry about 500 kcal ! Even in the lowest-calorie diet there is a place for 223 kcal - this is 100 g of ice cream, which contains no artificial and identical to natural flavors and colors - only milk, butter, sugar and other 100% natural ingredients. In the store you can easily find such ice cream For example, n ombir "gold standard". " According to the nutritionist, the ice cream contains milk fat, which contains the necessary polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3), which prevent the development of atherosclerosis, lecithin, which lowers the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood and is involved in the burning of fat, as well as arachidonic acid necessary to maintain immunity. “In my opinion, the Golden Standard ice cream is ideal for the right diet for the whole family. In addition, it is difficult to imagine a tradition better than spending time with your favorite dessert in the circle of your family, ” says Elena Tikhomirova.

“Choose a favorite ice cream for yourself and your family from a wide range of flavors of Golden Standard ice cream (3), ” says Yulia Stepochkina, chief technologist at Unilever Research and Development Department. “We add blueberry puree, prunes, dried apricots to the ice cream, which increase the content minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and have an excellent prophylactic effect on the whole body.It uses the latest automatic equipment and modern technology in the production of ice cream. Classic, familiar with The taste is a distinctive feature of our ice cream, the secret of which is in fresh and 100% natural ingredients (4), and strict quality control at all stages of production. properties of the product, which is very important for the health of the whole family.We care about our customers, so in 2013 the first International Unilever Ice Cream Research and Development Center in Russia was opened, which is developing new recipes and formats for a sweet product, as well as improvement of production technologies, selection of new types of raw materials and packaging."


Change your habits towards a healthy diet and give preference to products with a natural composition. And what could be better than ice cream? A tasty, natural, and fully approved by healthy nutrition experts product that makes us happy.

(1) "Strictness at the table forms bad eating habits in children", 03/10/2009 -

(2) Not a baby food

(3) Gold Standard Ice Cream is made in accordance with TU 9228-001-44041224-04. Ice cream classic briquette "Golden Standard" (190 g) is available in accordance with GOST R 52175-2003.

(4) All types of ice cream-ice cream TM "Gold Standard", bearing the mark "100% natural product" on the packaging.

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