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Tangerines: the benefits and harms of the fetus

Tangerines: the benefits and harms of the fetus
Tangerines: the benefits and harms of the fetus

Video: 13 Amazing Tangerine Health Benefits You Should Know 2024, July

Video: 13 Amazing Tangerine Health Benefits You Should Know 2024, July

This fruit is classified as citrus. Almost every New Year's table has tangerines. The benefits and harms of the fruit depend on the quality and quantity of the fruits consumed.


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Of course, from childhood, everyone is used to celebrating New Year with the smell of a Christmas tree and tangerines. This has become a tradition for Russian people. And in everyday life, we often eat this sweet and healthy fruit. Children especially love him, as he is easily peeled and not so sour in comparison with other representatives of citrus crops (orange, lemon, grapefruit, etc.). Also, very often the pulp of the fruit is used to prepare various pastry dishes. These are juices, cocktails, pies, sweet desserts, ice cream and others. This is due to availability at a price level and high quality characteristics of the product.

A large amount of ascorbic acid, which is rich in tangerines - is undoubtedly a benefit. And harm from this property can be caused only in case of abuse of quantity, since there is an excess of vitamin C in the body. In addition, tangerines contain various biologically active substances: magnesium, potassium, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin P and others.

It should be noted that tangerines are a benefit and harm to the human body. But not only the pulp of the fruit, but also the peel has unique properties. For example, the benefits of tangerine peels help in the treatment of various diseases. The most common peel recipe is chopping dried peel and adding to any dish. Effectively helps in the treatment of flatulence and dysbiosis. For diseases of the upper respiratory tract, 1 tablespoon of tangerine powder is brewed in 1 glass of boiling water and taken in half a glass 2-3 times daily, about 30-40 minutes before eating.

To normalize the functioning of the nervous system, tea with the addition of tangerine peel or juice is used. Ideal for treating cough, eliminating sputum, improving digestion, increasing appetite in children.

Many people wonder: what is the use of mandarin? Try making alcohol tincture from crushed peel. To do this, take 2 teaspoons of crushed crust and pour a glass of vodka or 40% alcohol. The exposure time is at least 1 week, after which strain the tincture and take 20 drops, after dissolving them in half a glass of water. The prescription is used for dry cough, which is not amenable to medical treatment.

It is also advisable to lubricate the nail plates and the skin around them with a fresh peel from tangerine when affected by a fungus.

Of course, all qualities possessed by tangerines should be noted. Benefit and harm are relative concepts. For example, the harm lies in the fact that with a tendency to allergic reactions, a person may develop a rash, irritation of the skin. This is especially true for children who are sensitive to allergenic foods. Eat tangerines in moderation.

It is also recommended to exclude from the diet or significantly reduce the intake of fruit for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer, increased acidity of gastric juice, gastritis). This is due to the fact that mandarins contain a large amount of citric acid, which has an irritating effect on the walls of the digestive tract.

When using the peel, it is necessary to take into account the conditions of the area in which the fruit was grown, since it is often in the crust that harmful nitrates and various chemicals accumulate. Therefore, tangerines - the benefits and harms in equal proportions, when using, take into account the structural features of the body and other external factors that directly affect the state of health. Also pay great attention to the choice of fruit: examine its appearance, condition and color of the peel, density of the fruit.

Tangerines: the benefits and harms of the fetus

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