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Lazy cabbage rolls in the oven: recipes with photos for easy cooking

Lazy cabbage rolls in the oven: recipes with photos for easy cooking
Lazy cabbage rolls in the oven: recipes with photos for easy cooking

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Video: Easy Cabbage Roll Casserole Recipe 2024, July

Video: Easy Cabbage Roll Casserole Recipe 2024, July

Lazy cabbage rolls are a great way to serve your favorite dish to the table without spending a lot of time and effort wrapping the filling in cabbage leaves. You can cook them in different ways - on the principle of cutlets, in the form of one big cabbage roll or even stuffing a head with minced meat.


Pick your recipe

Classic recipe



  • tomatoes - 3 pcs.;

  • carrots - 1 pc.;

  • white onion - 2 pcs.;

  • minced meat - half a kilo;

  • white cabbage - 270-300 g;

  • egg - 1 pc.;

  • dry rice - 1 cup;

  • sour cream - 1 glass;

  • breadcrumbs - 80-100 g;

  • salt, spices, oil - to taste;

  • water - 1 cup.


Pour rice with plenty of salt water. Cook almost completely until cooked.

Cabbage to get rid of the top bad leaves. Chop the rest very finely, knead a little with clean hands. Put the vegetable in a separate bowl. Pour boiling water over boiling water. Leave cabbage chips for 10-12 minutes.

Peel one onion from the husk. Finely chop. Mix with minced meat. Salt, add spices to taste. Pour into the mass the contents of the raw egg. There, put cabbage, already softened from boiling water, previously slightly wrung out by hand. Add to taste.

Combine the composition with boiled chilled rice. Add 5-6 tbsp. l sour cream. Mix everything well.

Chop the remaining onion very finely. Rub the carrot using a grater with medium or large divisions. Add tomato cubes to vegetables. Transfer the composition to a pan, pour a little oil. Fry the ingredients together until lightly browned.

Separately, in a bowl, combine sour cream with a glass of warm water. Salt the sauce and add spices.

From the mass with rice and meat, form future cabbage rolls of the right size. Roll each piece in breadcrumbs. Breading can be done independently, having processed dried white bread in a blender.

Put cabbage rolls on a baking sheet with high sides, smeared with melted butter / vegetable oil. Pour all over with ready-made sour cream sauce.

Cook a treat for 40-45 minutes at 200 degrees. Serve stuffed cabbage as a main course or as an addition to mashed potatoes with cream.

Canned Tomatoes Recipe



  • fresh white cabbage - half a kilo;

  • minced meat from any meat (for example, chicken + pork) - 600-630 g;

  • raw rice - 130-150 g;

  • canned tomatoes in their own juice - 280-300 g;

  • carrot - 150-170 g;

  • onions - 320-350 g;

  • fresh garlic - 20-25 g;

  • egg - 1 pc.;

  • granulated sugar, dried oregano, ground coriander - 1 small each. a spoon;

  • salt, oil and a mixture of ground peppers - to taste;

  • water - 1.5 tbsp.;

  • sour cream - a full glass.


Pour dry rice with water and cook in boiling water for 10-12 minutes. Shred cabbage very finely and finely. Peel and chop onion (half) with garlic separately.

Combine minced meat with chopped cabbage. Add to it the contents of a raw egg, onion, cooked cooled cereal. Salt everything, pepper and mix.

From the resulting mass, mold large cutlets. Put them in a large rectangular shape. Bake in a preheated oven at 180-190 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

Chop the remaining onion as finely as possible, rub the carrots. Cook the roast roast. Send them tomatoes in their own juice. Simmer the contents of the pan for a couple of minutes. At this stage, you can add weight. Salt should always be added after tomatoes, as canned vegetables can already contain a lot of salt.

Pour in water. Pour into the pan all the spices stated in the recipe. Close everything with a lid and simmer over low heat for about a quarter of an hour. It should get a thick aromatic mass. The last thing you need to add sugar to it. The amount of sugar can be adjusted to taste. It depends on the sweetness of the tomatoes themselves. After that, the sauce is completely ready.

The form with ready-made cabbage rolls must be removed from the oven. Pour the resulting vegetable sauce. Return to bake for another half hour.

According to such an interesting recipe, a complete dinner is obtained: meat with vegetables. It remains only to add it with fresh bread and sour cream sauce.

Lazy stuffed cabbage "Athlete"


  • "Beijing" - a whole fork;

  • mixed minced meat - half a kilo;

  • raw egg - 1 pc.;

  • peeled champignons - 120-140 g;

  • dry rice - 120-140 g;

  • sour cream of any fat content - 130-150 ml;

  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.;

  • mustard - 1 small. a spoon;

  • bouillon cube - 1 pc.;

  • garlic - clove;

  • Lavrushka - 1 leaf;

  • carrot, bell pepper, onion, tomato - 1 pc.


Cook the rice in advance until cooked. At the same time, the groats should become soft, but not digested. Cool the cereal. Leave a glass of rice broth.

Finely chop the half onion and peeled mushrooms. Immediately add these ingredients to the meat. You can take any mincemeat. For example, pork + chicken or pork + beef. Combine meat with an egg, cooled cereals, salt, spices. The result is a filling for the future "hero".

Cabbage forks disassemble into separate leaves. The recipe uses Chinese cabbage, not white cabbage. Such a vegetable makes the “shell” of the finished dish more tender, soft. From the leaves you need to cut off the entire light rough part. As a result, approximately 8-9 clean, even leaflets should remain without any damage. And the rest of the cabbage needs to be chopped with thin strips and temporarily removed to the side.

Boil water in a large saucepan. Salt her. Boil prepared whole leaves in water. It will be enough 3-4 minutes. Drain the water from the cabbage, let it cool.

Lay a layer of cling film on a cutting board. Put the cooked leaves of the vegetable slightly overlapping. The base should be in the form of a rectangle. Distribute the meat mass over it.

Roll up the roll so that the seam is at the bottom. Tuck in its lateral edges.

While the "hero" is resting, you can do the pouring. To do this, combine chopped garlic, tomato paste, bouillon cube, sour cream, lavrushka, mustard. Pour everything left with a glass of broth from the cereal. It can be replaced with plain water.

Chop all remaining vegetables finely. The remains of the "Beijing" grate. Fry them in a skillet with a small amount of any fat. Vegetable mass should soften in the process.

Stuffed cabbage in shape. Around distribute the frying, as well as large slices of sweet pepper and slices of tomatoes. Cover products with rice broth.

Send the dish to the oven preheated to 200-210 degrees. Cook it for 15-17 minutes. After the specified time, reduce the fire to small, cover the “hero” with foil, continue cooking for another half hour under new conditions.

Allow refreshments to cool directly in the oven. Serve it in portions with gravy.

Seaweed Recipe


  • white cabbage - 650-750 g;

  • pre-cooked seaweed - 100-150 g;

  • any meat - 400-450 g;

  • rice - 130-150 g;

  • white onion - 3 heads;

  • raw egg - 1 pc.;

  • butter - 3 tbsp. l.;

  • a mixture of sour cream and tomato paste - ½ tbsp.;

  • parsley and dill - to taste;

  • salt and pepper to taste.


With fresh cabbage, remove all contaminated damaged leaves. Cut the stump. Rinse the rest and cut into squares. Transfer pieces of vegetable to boiling water actively, cook until half cooked. Send in a colander and let the liquid drain.

Cool the vegetable and cut it even finer. Mix with boiled and finely chopped seaweed cabbage. Some housewives for this recipe decide to use a pickled product. But this is a big mistake. Sea kale for cabbage rolls is suitable exclusively in boiled form.

Separately cook white rice. It doesn't matter - round or long. The main thing is to prevent its digestion in the process. Mix the prepared cooled groats with any meat passed through a meat grinder. Pork, beef, and lamb will do. It all depends on the tastes of the cook. You can even use a mixture of several types of meat. If lamb is chosen, then adding chicken to it will reduce the calorie content of the finished dish

To the rice with meat send prepared cabbage of two kinds, salt, spices. Separately cook a frying of white onion on any fat. Transfer it to the total mass along with the egg and chopped herbs. Mix everything well.

Form cakes from the resulting composition. Put the workpieces in a pan with melted butter. Fry until golden brown on both sides.

Pour cream and tomato sauce into a pan with almost prepared lazy cabbage rolls. Close the container with a lid and simmer its contents for about 20-25 minutes.

Serve the finished treat to the table. Before taking the sample, generously pour the cabbage rolls with the sauce in which they languished. You can additionally decorate the treat with chopped herbs.

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