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Mojito Cupcake with Lemon and Mint

Mojito Cupcake with Lemon and Mint
Mojito Cupcake with Lemon and Mint

Video: Mojito cupcakes | Mojito muffins (lime and mint flavored) | Eggless mojito muffins 2024, July

Video: Mojito cupcakes | Mojito muffins (lime and mint flavored) | Eggless mojito muffins 2024, July

A delicious cupcake with a mint flavor and a light, pleasant acidity. While there is fresh mint - be sure to try baking a cupcake according to this recipe, with dried mint, the aroma and taste of baking will not be the same.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 250 g of sour cream (20-30% fat content);

  • - 120 g of sugar (a little less than ¾ cup);

  • - 3 cups flour;

  • - 3 eggs;

  • - 1/3 cup refined vegetable oil;

  • - 1 medium-sized lemon;

  • - 0.5 cups of fresh mint leaves;

  • - ¼ tsp salts;

  • - 1 tsp baking powder.
  • For impregnation and decoration:

  • - 1/3 cup of water;

  • - ¼ cup lemon juice;

  • - a few mint leaves;

  • - 1 tbsp. l vodka (you can not add);

  • - icing sugar.

Instruction manual


To prepare the dough for the cake, put the eggs, sugar, vegetable oil, sour cream, baking powder and salt in a blender and mix everything until smooth.


Remove the zest from the lemon (grate the yellow part on the grater) so that the white component of the zest is smaller, as it is bitter. You should get about one and a half to two teaspoons. Cut the peeled lemon into two parts to make 1/3 and 2/3 of the lemon. Squeeze juice out of most and add juice to dough. A smaller part will be needed for impregnation.


Mint must be washed, remove the thick stems and finely chop the leaves. Add mint to the dough.


Sift the flour, add to the dough and stir so that the consistency is uniform.


Lubricate the mold with oil, pour the dough into it and smooth. Preheat the oven to 210 degrees and only after that put the dough in it, otherwise the cake will not rise well. Bake a cupcake for approximately 40 minutes. If the cupcake starts to brown too quickly - reduce the temperature to 190 degrees. When the cupcake is ready, remove it from the mold and cover it with a towel.


Now you can begin to manufacture the impregnation. Combine the sugar with the juice of the remaining half of the lemon in a saucepan. If there is too little juice, you can add water. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for about one minute. Dip the mint leaves in the mixture and after about 5 seconds remove them from there. Remove the mixture from the heat and add vodka if desired, when the mixture cools a little.


Put the cupcake on a tray and carefully pour the impregnation. To make the cake surface evenly smeared, it is better to use a silicone brush. After the first portion of the impregnation is absorbed, pour the cupcake again.


Sprinkle the finished lemon muffin with powdered sugar and garnish with fresh mint leaves.


The cupcake for this recipe is not too sweet, so those who love sweet pastries can increase the amount of sugar to one cup.

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