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Which eggs are best to eat?

Which eggs are best to eat?
Which eggs are best to eat?

Video: Everything You Need To Know About Eggs - Cage Free, Free Range, Pasture Raised, and More 2024, July

Video: Everything You Need To Know About Eggs - Cage Free, Free Range, Pasture Raised, and More 2024, July

Eggs are one of the oldest foods that people have eaten and used to cook other dishes for more than a millennium. Today they are also in great demand, because they contain many nutrients. However, eggs of far from all types of birds are well absorbed by the body. In addition, their misuse is fraught with a dangerous disease.


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Quail eggs are considered the most useful. Compared to any others, they contain several times more potassium, iron, B vitamins and vitamin A. In addition, they are rich in zinc, selenium, sulfur, calcium, vitamins E and D. The egg yolk is enriched with healthy fat, so it very nutritious. In addition, according to experts, quail eggs can be safely eaten raw, without fear of salmonellosis. The thing is that the body temperature in quail is a couple of degrees higher than in other birds, so the causative agents of this disease in their eggs simply do not survive. That is why such a product can be given raw even to children.


A little less useful are chicken eggs. They contain less nutrients, and their protein is much more likely to cause allergies than the protein of quail eggs. Despite this, nutritionists and doctors recommend including this product in the diet at least several times a week. The yolk of chicken eggs is rich in essential fatty acids, and protein is almost completely absorbed by the body. In addition, they contain many vitamins and minerals necessary for a person to feel good. The disadvantage of this product is the possible presence of Salmonella bacteria, so it is undesirable to eat them raw.


Duck and goose eggs are eaten much less frequently, although they are also highly nutritious. They have a lot of protein, vitamins, calcium and magnesium. However, they are fatter than quail and chicken. In addition, they have a pronounced specific taste. The percentage of risk of infection with Salmonella bacteria is very high, so duck and goose eggs should be consumed only hard-boiled.


Ostrich eggs are sometimes also eaten, whose weight starts at 500 g. Fried eggs from one such testicle can feed up to 10 people. Their benefits are also quite high - with a low content of fat and cholesterol, they contain many vitamins and valuable amino acids. However, ostrich eggs can only be tasted in the summer, but they have a rather specific taste.


As for which form is better to eat eggs, it all depends on their type. So, quail is much more useful to eat raw - so they are better absorbed, retain all the beneficial substances and have a beneficial effect on the stomach. The yolk of chicken eggs is better absorbed by the body in its raw form, and the protein in boiled. However, in order not to get salmonellosis and at the same time preserve most of the vitamins, it is better to eat them soft-boiled. Duck and goose eggs should be consumed only if they are hard boiled. Ostrich eggs are usually suitable only for the preparation of scrambled eggs or omelettes.

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