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What herbal teas and fees discourage appetite

What herbal teas and fees discourage appetite
What herbal teas and fees discourage appetite

Video: Herbal Appetite Supressants 2024, July

Video: Herbal Appetite Supressants 2024, July

In anticipation of spring, most girls are trying to at least slightly adjust the figure. And the subscription to the fitness room was purchased, the diet was revised and adjusted, and new things are already being looked at in stores. Everything seems to be great, but the feeling of hunger due to dietary restrictions is just crazy, not giving you the opportunity to do everyday activities.


Pick your recipe

Despite a full breakfast, lunch and dinner, between meals there is still a feeling of hunger and a hand reaches for something forbidden. To avoid unnecessary calories and moderate your appetite, you can drink a cup of herbal tea or infusion. The use of such drinks positively affects the work of the digestive tract, speeds up metabolism, eliminates the feeling of hunger. Herbs and fees for making such drinks can be purchased at the pharmacy or collected independently.

Nettle leaf decoction

Nettle tea helps to remove excess fluid from the body, has a diuretic and choleretic effect. The regular use of such a decoction improves the functioning of the digestive system, has a slight laxative effect.

To make nettle tea, you need 2 tbsp. pour herbs in a glass of water, bring to a boil and insist 15 minutes. Take a decoction of 2 tbsp. 4-5 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

Nettle tea is contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, as well as people with kidney and gastrointestinal tract diseases.


Blackberry leaves and berries are a natural antiseptic. The regular use of decoctions based on them helps to moderate appetite, tidy up the microflora of the stomach and intestines, improve digestion, and get rid of edema (due to a light diuretic effect).

To prepare a decoction of 3 tablespoons of dried blackberry leaves, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Then bring the broth to a boil and cook for another 15 minutes. Cool the solution for another quarter hour. Eat 2 tbsp. 15 minutes before meals 3 times a day.


Tea made from currant leaves does not accelerate metabolism; it improves digestion, helping to cleanse the intestines.

To prepare the infusion, 1 tbsp. currant leaves pour 300 ml of hot water and leave to infuse overnight. Drink a drink should be between meals, 3 times a day for 1/2 cup.


A decoction of pharmacy chamomile stimulates the production of gastric secretions, improves digestion, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract. Drink a drink from chamomile immediately before eating 1/2 cup 4-5 times a day.

To make tea you need 3 tbsp. Chamomile pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist 15-20 minutes.

Most herbs can cause allergies, so people prone to this disease should take herbal drinks with caution.

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