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What snacks do not hurt the figure

What snacks do not hurt the figure
What snacks do not hurt the figure

Table of contents:

Video: 10 Foods That Cause Inflammation (Avoid These) 2024, July

Video: 10 Foods That Cause Inflammation (Avoid These) 2024, July

Not all snacks harm the figure. On the contrary, some even contribute to weight loss, the main thing is to choose the right products for them.


Pick your recipe

In modern dietolithia, it is believed that the optimal daily diet should consist of 3 main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and 2 light snacks between them. In this case, snacking is not overeating at all, but a way to avoid it.

Why snacking helps to lose weight

Why suffer from hunger in between meals, if you can "kill a worm" with something tasty and healthy. Such a diet will help curb hunger, as well as effectively fight, for example, with a phenomenon such as "evening eating, " when a losing weight tries to eat supposedly correctly (that is, sparingly) during the day, and then eats up for the night.

Snacking during the day is useful not only for the figure, but also for health - frequent and moderate meals prevent the jumps in blood sugar levels, as a result, the indocrine system does not overload. It also has a beneficial effect on digestion. However, in order for snacks to help lose weight, and not vice versa, they must be correct.

These snacks won't let you get better

An ideal snack meets the following parameters:

  • It should not be high-calorie.

  • Food should not be much in volume.

  • Food should be consistent with the concept of "healthy."

These snacks include:

1. Juicy vegetables chopped with chopsticks, for example, carrots, bell peppers and celery with dip sauce made from natural yogurt, sesame and 1/2 teaspoon of honey.

2. A pair of rice diet bread with slices of boiled egg and a sheet of fresh salad.

3. A handful of unsalted nuts, such as almonds, cashews, peanuts and hazelnuts.

4. A cocktail of natural non-fat yogurt and fresh berries or fruits.

5. A few pieces of prunes, dried apricots or dried dates.

6. A slice of low-fat cheese.

7. Fresh fruit - the perfect snack.


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