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What is the difference for the body between hot and cold food

What is the difference for the body between hot and cold food
What is the difference for the body between hot and cold food

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Video: How Spicy and Cold Foods Affect Your Body | WebMD 2024, July

Video: How Spicy and Cold Foods Affect Your Body | WebMD 2024, July

Ideal food for the body should not be very cold and not very hot. The mucous membrane and human organs are simply not adapted to receive cold or hot food. If you do not monitor the temperature of food, you can endanger your body.


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The danger of eating hot food

Eating hot food can be quite dangerous for the human body. This can lead to various unpleasant consequences. Hot food can cause swelling of the esophagus - it becomes difficult for a person to swallow. Of course, over time, the swelling decreases, but the dead tissue begins to be rejected. This process can even lead to ulceration. After they heal, narrowing or stenosis may form in the esophagus.

In addition, when taking hot food, a person may get a burn of the mouth or pharynx, and the mucous membrane of the lips may also be affected. With such consequences, it becomes difficult for a person to eat, if at all possible. Such a nuisance can cause excessive salivation or even vomiting. Sometimes ulcers develop on the damaged surface. After two or three days, these symptoms usually disappear, but for some time a person will be able to eat only liquid food until the scar forms.

Due to malnutrition due to mucosal damage, eating hot food by a person can cause depletion of the body. Severe burns of the mucous membranes lead to very dangerous diseases: pneumonia, sepsis, laryngitis and others.

The danger of eating cold food

The use of cold food is no less dangerous for the body than hot food. For example, in children after eating cold food, tonsillitis of varying severity can develop. Sometimes there is such a thing as purulent tonsillitis. It causes intoxication of the body. A person rises in temperature, sometimes the lymph nodes of the neck increase. It also happens that a child with a sore throat cannot even just open his mouth. Often, abscesses of the periopharyngeal space develop. They can cause various diseases. Angina is an infectious disease caused by bacteria. But when taking cold food, the protective functions of the tonsils become much weaker. And this already leads to the disease.

Cold food leaves the stomach very quickly, not having time to properly digest. She does not have enough time even to mix with gastric juice. As a result, putrefactive processes can occur in the body that lead to increased gas formation and intestinal dysbiosis.

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