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How to choose olives

How to choose olives
How to choose olives

Video: A beginner's guide to olives: 14 types you need to know 2024, July

Video: A beginner's guide to olives: 14 types you need to know 2024, July

Olives have long ceased to be a curiosity for us. Presented on the store shelves, the jars are striking in variety. And it is clear that getting confused in such an abundance is very easy. Let's try to figure out which olives are worth buying and which are not.


Pick your recipe

Instruction manual


Since fresh olives are inedible due to bitterness, they come to our stores in canned form. During processing, the olives are pickled, salted, seasoned with various fillings - pepper, lemons, anchovies.


Of course, the main sign of the undeniable quality of olives is the same size and smooth surface of the fruit. Take a close look so that there are no torn fruits in the jar. Therefore, buy olives only in glass jars, where you can see each fruit.


If you buy pitted olives, pay attention to the fact that the flesh of the fruit should be significantly larger than the pits. It is these olives that are considered the most delicious.


The packaging must indicate the caliber of the fruit. This is an indicator of the size of the olives. The caliber consists of two three-digit numbers, which are marked on the packaging through a slash. They mean the minimum and maximum number of fruits per kilogram of dry weight. Remember that the smaller these numbers, the larger the olives. So, medium-sized olives should be marked 180/220. If the gap between these figures is large, then this may mean that inside the fruits are of different sizes. Those who follow the figure need to know that large olives are very high in calories.


Be sure to pay attention to the shelf life of the product. Natural preservation olives can be stored for no longer than six months.


Familiarize yourself with the composition of the product, which must be indicated on the package. If the composition contains indicators with the letter E, then this indicates the presence in the product of preservatives that are harmful to health.


Like any delicacies, traditionally cooked olives cannot be cheap. After all, olives are picked by hand and cooked for a very long time.

Useful advice

Olives contain about a hundred active substances (among them vitamins E, A and C prevail).

Substances contained in olives have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach and pancreas. They also help the liver and cardiovascular system. In addition, they cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

The best are considered olives prepared according to a special recipe. After harvesting, ripe fruits are dried in the sun in sea salt, then they are rolled up in jars and poured with olive oil. These olives are served with cheese and wine.

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