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How to decorate Olivier salad

How to decorate Olivier salad
How to decorate Olivier salad

Video: Russian Salad | Olivier Salad Recipe | Салат Оливье 2024, July

Video: Russian Salad | Olivier Salad Recipe | Салат Оливье 2024, July

Any, even the most unpretentious of salads can be decorated so intricately and interestingly that it becomes a pity to destroy such a "work of art". Not a single New Year feast can do without Olivier salad. Each hostess decorates it in his own way: a sprig of parsley or a whole castle of cucumbers and eggs. Until recently, it was believed that all the decorating elements should be made from the same ingredients that make up the salad itself. Modern housewives boldly violate this rule and give free rein to imagination.


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Instruction manual


Traditional decoration. On top of the salad, poured with mayonnaise, lay greens - parsley, dill, green onions, lettuce, celery. Greens can be cut (or torn by hand), and can be laid with twigs and individual leaves.


Decoration of salad with green peas, slices of cucumbers, eggs, carrots, potatoes is also considered traditional. It can be sliced ​​into circles, cubes or figures (stars, Christmas trees, snowflakes, spirals) products that are part of the salad. Some housewives use molds for small cookies. You can create whole compositions from the figures: a dial with arrows at 12.00 in the case of New Year's decoration, the sun among white clouds, daisies in a meadow, a forest meadow, etc. From the cut eggs, "mushrooms" are well obtained, and from cucumbers, "roses".


Decoration is considered to be original when products that are not part of the Olivier salad are “attracted” to the process. It can be slices of lemon, unsweetened apple or grapefruit, pomegranate seeds, slices of bell pepper, cubes of bright jelly, grapes and olives. Decoration elements are placed on the surface of the salad either in a chaotic manner (scatter), or lay them out with geometric or arbitrary patterns. For example, you can add carrot juice to mayonnaise and use a pastry syringe to spread a mesh of orange (or yellow) mayonnaise, and then put olive or grape in each cell. Especially creative housewives create picturesque panels with the help of unusual products (including).


If there is no time for intricate decoration, use the win-win option. His secret is to make good use of the color ratio of products. On a white background, the surface of the salad (when it is poured with mayonnaise) looks good orange and green "spots". Just randomly scatter cubes of carrots and stick between them twigs of greenery.


Decoration of Olivier salad should be moderate, it should not completely cover the surface of the salad so that guests (family members) could see what was in the salad bowl. A thick layer of decoration noticeably spoils the overall appearance of the dish.

Useful advice

Mayonnaise for decoration "Olivier" can be made colored.

A small amount of ready mustard gives yellow color, beetroot juice or red wine - red, tomato puree - orange, spinach or sorrel juice - green.

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