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How to go to a fast food cafe without harm to health and shape

How to go to a fast food cafe without harm to health and shape
How to go to a fast food cafe without harm to health and shape

Video: If You Eat Fast Food, THIS Happens To Your Body 2024, July

Video: If You Eat Fast Food, THIS Happens To Your Body 2024, July

It's no secret that most people, even adhering to the principles of healthy eating, from time to time wish to eat fast food. And most of them are aware that the food from a fast food cafe is not the most wholesome.


Pick your recipe

How to improve fast food and go to a fast food cafe without much harm to health and body?

First of all, visiting various catering points should not be regular, that is, no more often than 1-2 times a month. Going to a cafe is better after lunch or a snack, then eating a lot physically will not work.

Studying the menu, stopping your choice is on a hamburger or cheeseburger, no bigmacs and other sandwiches with a big, double or double prefix.

When choosing a drink, it is better to stay on a box of juice or a bottle of mineral water, ideally without gas, cola and other carbonated drinks contain a lot of calories and unnecessary dyes and flavors.

French fries are a favorite treat for most cafe visitors, but taking care of their health, it is worth replacing them with “village” potatoes or any other baked, rather than deep-fried, potatoes. Sauces and gravy are usually offered for any side dish; it is better to take mustard or ketchup for potatoes, since mayonnaise and cheese or sweet and sour sauces are very high-calorie, and the latter also contain various additives and flavor enhancers.

It’s time for dessert. Refuse muffins and muffins, replacing them with ordinary ice cream without syrup, jam and chocolate chips, which are persistently offered by cafe workers.

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