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How to make bread fresh

How to make bread fresh
How to make bread fresh

Video: How to Make Stale Bread Soft 2024, July

Video: How to Make Stale Bread Soft 2024, July

With the situation when a piece of stale bread appeared in the breadbox, even very good housewives sometimes come across. This happens if the bread lies for a long time without a plastic bag. Throw it away right away, especially if the piece is large enough. There are quite a few tasty dishes that are prepared from hardened bread. In addition, it can be made fresh, tasty and fragrant.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • -Apple;

  • - a large pan;

  • - a small pan;

  • - wooden block;

  • - potato;

  • - a piece of canvas;

  • - colander with a lid;

  • - wrapping;

  • - oven;

  • - microwave;

  • - a double boiler.

Instruction manual


Inspect the stale piece. If mold appeared on it, then doing nothing is useless; it’s better to just throw away such bread. Mold is formed if a loaf or loaf has been lying for a long time without air. Not finding a hopeless greenish bloom, determine how stiff the bread is.


If the bread is not stiffened much, wrap it in a wet canvas. The canvas should be real, linen, possibly coarse. Put the bundle in a preheated oven and hold it at a temperature of about 100 ° C for 3-5 minutes. In the absence of canvas, you can slightly wet the wrapping paper or even just sprinkle a piece of water on all sides.


Very good if there is a microwave. In this case, it is better to cut the bread into pieces and slightly sprinkle with water. Put it in a plastic container and put in the microwave for 30 seconds. This method should not be used if it is not possible to divide the hardened loaf into slices.


Small pieces can be freshened with freshly cooked potatoes. Drain and place slices of bread in a pan. Close for 2-3 minutes, then remove the bread and continue to do with the potatoes what you were going to.


For bread that can be sliced, there is another way. Fold the pieces in a colander and cover. Pour about half of the water into a large pot. Put it on fire and bring to a boil. Reduce the flame, put a colander on the pan and hold for a few minutes.


You can refresh highly stale bread in a kind of "water bath". Put a wooden block in a large pot and fill it with water. There should be enough water to freely stand a small pan in which you need to put bread. It can be a whole piece or chopped. Close the entire structure with a lid. Make a small fire and heat until you smell fresh bread. You can also use a double boiler.

Useful advice

To prevent bread from staling, store it in a plastic bag. Put there an apple or potato, which must first be peeled.

Keep the breadbox clean. It must be washed at least once a week and dried thoroughly.

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