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How to make profiteroles at home

How to make profiteroles at home
How to make profiteroles at home

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Video: Profiteroles 2024, July

Video: Profiteroles 2024, July

Profiteroles - small balls of custard dough, filled with any filling: paste, cream, whipped cream or boiled condensed milk. They can be served as a snack or dessert. Despite the apparent complexity, a treat is easy to cook at home.


Pick your recipe

Step-by-step dough preparation

Profiteroles is a popular dish coming from French cuisine. Small balls from custard dough during baking turn into hollow spheres with a crispy, melting shell in the mouth. Such products are good for receptions and banquets, but they can also be prepared for home tea drinking. To do this, you do not have to be a highly qualified cook - any housewife will cope with the process.

The key to success is accurate adherence to the recipe. The first attempt may be unsuccessful, but over time everything will work out. The recipe is universal - the resulting tiny balls can be supplemented with both dessert and savory fillings. It is better to bake preparations in advance, and to start products immediately before serving. This will help keep profiteroles from getting wet, the contrast between the juicy contents and the airy crispy shell will be more pronounced.


  • 200 g of premium wheat flour;

  • 5-7 eggs;

  • 180 ml of water;

  • 100 g butter (fat content not less than 72%);

  • a pinch of salt.

Put oil in a pan with a thick bottom, pour water. Place the container on the stove and heat until the oil has melted. The fire should be moderate. When the mixture boils, add pre-sifted flour and salt, vigorously stirring with a spoon or spatula. After 5-7 minutes you get a thick dense dough.

Remove the pan from the stove and cool slightly. Add eggs one by one, whipping the dough with a hand mixer. Professionals use an ordinary spatula, but the mixer will simplify and speed up the work. This is the most important part of the process, requiring accuracy and care. The finished custard dough should be bright yellow, smooth and shiny.

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