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How to make whey

How to make whey
How to make whey

Video: How to Make Whey and Five Ways to Use It 2024, July

Video: How to Make Whey and Five Ways to Use It 2024, July

Whey is a byproduct of cottage cheese production. Whey is obtained by clotting milk. This product contains many valuable micro and macro elements, as well as proteins that are very useful for digestion and our body as a whole. It is not difficult to prepare whey, especially since in addition to this product you will receive wonderful home-made cottage cheese.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • 2 liters of milk;
    • 1 teaspoon sour cream;
    • sieve;
    • gauze.

Instruction manual


Add sour cream to milk and stir.


Put milk in a warm place for souring for a day.


Pour the sour milk into a saucepan and place in a water bath for 25-30 minutes. Do not stir.


When the milk is curdled, remove it from the heat.


Cover the sieve with gauze and strain the whey from the curd.


Tie the cottage cheese in cheesecloth to compress and remove the remaining whey.


Cool the whey.


Store the finished whey in the refrigerator.

Useful advice

Serum can be used as a standalone drink or as a base for baking or desserts. In addition, whey has found wide application in cosmetology. Serum should be stored in the refrigerator for up to 7 days.

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