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How to make a pear with pepper

How to make a pear with pepper
How to make a pear with pepper

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To some, the combination of pepper and pear may seem wild, but this is far from the case. Such a duet can be a great addition, a sauce to any meat, which will undoubtedly emphasize its taste.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • 1 kg of pears "Williams"
    • 500 g sugar
    • 10 g apple pectin
    • 5 g pink pepper
    • 5 g black pepper
    • 5 g white pepper
    • juice of half a small lemon.

Instruction manual


Get all the ingredients you need. Prepare a pot, glass jars with lids and a knife. Rinse the pears with running water, then peel them with a knife, be careful. Cut the core, rid the fruit of the seeds. Next, cut each pear into small pieces and lay them on the bottom of a small pan. Choose a dish with a large bottom.


Sprinkle sugar on top of the fruit, mix with a large spoon. After that, squeeze the lemon juice from half of the citrus and add pectin. If you did not find this product - it's okay. You can replace it with ready-made candy confection sugar, which you will also find in the store. Stir the contents of the pan again and let it boil. After that, cook the pear over low heat for about five minutes, stirring constantly.


After cooking, turn off the heat and add pepper. You can buy a ready-made mixture of black, white and pink pepper. Otherwise, if one is not available, make it yourself, having previously chopped pepper with a meat hammer or knife handle. To do this, wrap the pepper in a napkin. When handling a knife, be careful. Or crush the pepper in a mortar or bowl with a spoon or crush.


Distribute the resulting mixture into clean jars, tightly close the lids. Place the container in another pan, fill the container with water so that the lids stick out above the surface of the water for a couple of centimeters. Boil the jars in boiling water for ten minutes under a closed lid. The pear with pepper is ready and sterilized, it can be stored for a long time. This product is used in food, both in cold and in hot form.


If during cooking you replace the pepper with cinnamon in exactly the same proportion, then you will get a wonderful sweet dessert with an original taste. Add cinnamon after the pears have boiled.

Pear with pepper. Belonica Recipes

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