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How to make mulled wine from white wine and cherries

How to make mulled wine from white wine and cherries
How to make mulled wine from white wine and cherries

Video: Gordon Ramsay's Mulled Wine With Dry Roasted Spiced Nuts 2024, July

Video: Gordon Ramsay's Mulled Wine With Dry Roasted Spiced Nuts 2024, July

Mulled wine is a drink that makes it so pleasant to pamper yourself in bad weather, because it is served warm and designed to warm not only the soul, but also the body. More often, mulled wine is made on the basis of red wine with spices, and in some cases honey. But white wine is also suitable. It goes well with allspice and cloves, but the raisins added to traditional mulled wine are best replaced with cherries.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • White wine - 0.75 L
    • sugar - 100 g
    • cherry - 700 g
    • cloves - 1 g
    • allspice - 1 g
    • dry orange peel - 3 g
    • enamel pan
    • plate

Instruction manual


Choose white wine, guided by the characteristics of the grape from which it is made. Most often, for the mulled wine they take New World wines - Argentina, Australia, Chile. They cost less than Old World wines, but they are not inferior in taste or aroma. Of course, if you are not limited in finances, you can use the products of Italian or French winemakers. Wines produced in Lombardy and Provence will be especially good.


Buy cherries that have colored juice. This ability of berries does not depend on the degree of maturity, only on the variety, and is easily verified. At home, rinse the cherries under cold running water and spread on a cloth to dry. Remove seeds from the berries should be above the bowl, so as not to lose a drop of precious juice. Pitted cherries should be sprinkled with sugar and left for about 1 hour.


Pour the berries with wine, add clove buds and allspice, put a small crust of orange, cover, cover to 70 degrees. If foam begins to form on the surface of the mulled wine, remove it with a slotted spoon. Give it a try. Add more sugar if necessary. Try to keep the wine "on the edge" - bringing it to a boil, but not allowing it to boil. The fact is that when boiling, it loses its taste.


Remove the mulled wine from the heat, wrap it up and put it in a warm place. The slower it cools, the more aromatic and rich it will turn out. One of the most common mistakes is filtering mulled wine at this stage. In no case should this be done, because it is upon insisting that essential oils pass from spices and spices to wine. The drink can be filtered no earlier than 4-5 hours after it has been brewed.


Preheat mulled wine from white wine and cherries before serving to a temperature of 70-85 degrees. And remember, this time he should not boil. Drink it, accompanied by a small amount of fresh lingering biscuits or pieces of hard not very sharp cheese, preferably produced in the same region as the wine from which mulled wine is made.

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