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How to make a bouquet of vobla do it yourself

How to make a bouquet of vobla do it yourself
How to make a bouquet of vobla do it yourself

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Video: АСМР ЯЖМАТЬ 2024, July

Video: АСМР ЯЖМАТЬ 2024, July

Choosing an original gift for a man often turns into a big problem. A beautifully designed bouquet of flowers can become a practical, extraordinary, fantasy gift, besides, made by yourself.



Pick your recipe

The classical rules of etiquette require a woman to give flowers to representatives of the opposite sex in strictly specified cases: if the man is the culprit of a major celebration or event, and provided that the man is older than the woman who gives him the flowers. However, if you really want to please a man with some original bouquet without following the conventions, you can give him a wonderful gift: a bouquet of dried fish, decorated according to floral rules.

Laconic bouquet for severe men

If a man has a strong character, is not inclined to manifest romanticism, is a representative of the harsh male profession, then it is possible that he will like a bouquet of dried fish wrapped in a newspaper instead of wrapping paper.

To make such a bouquet will not be difficult: the right amount of selected dried fish is wrapped in several layers of newsprint, giving it the shape of a bouquet. To make a bright, festive note and consolidate the composition, the bundle is tied with a packing elegant ribbon.

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