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How to cut fast

How to cut fast
How to cut fast

Video: Basic Knife Skills 2024, July

Video: Basic Knife Skills 2024, July

In television culinary shows, professional chefs amaze viewers not so much with new recipes as with their virtuosity. Still, this is a show and it should be colorful. Most of all, at the same time, it is fascinating for the professionals to go around with a knife, which literally flashes in their hands, leaving behind a chopped product.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • sharp knife
    • cutting board
    • vegetables

Instruction manual


Many viewers after watching the next transmission try to repeat the peeped tricks with a knife. In the best case, they do not succeed, in the worst case, it can result in injuries and cuts.


If you want to learn how to wield a knife, like a professional, get a very sharp knife. Well, or imprison one of your available. A sharp knife will listen well to you, but you won't cut anything dumb, just get hurt.


To learn how to cut fast, first learn to just cut. Start practicing potato. Lay the half of the root crop with the cut down, pick up a knife, hold the potato with your free hand, folding it in a special way. Bend all your fingers in half, put your thumb inside the resulting handful. The tips of the remaining fingers should also look inward.


Press the vegetable with the fingertips of the folded brush, make the first incision. The middle finger will protrude slightly in front of the others, the plane of the blade should lie on its middle bone. Since the tip of the finger is bent inside the brush, you cannot cut it. Make a gentle movement with the knife from top to bottom and towards you. The blade should not press on the potatoes, but stretch inside it.


After making the first cut, move the fetus forward with the folded fingers an appropriate amount. Do not remove the knife from the knuckle of the middle finger, slide on it with the smooth surface of the blade up and again make a cutting movement. It can take up to 5 minutes to cut one potato. Take your time, try to do everything right.


Once you understand the essence of the process, you will learn how to cut vegetables properly. And after some training, speed will come. You can wield a knife no worse, or maybe even better, with a cook from your favorite TV show.

Useful advice

When cutting small objects, do not remove the tip of the blade from the board, work only with the handle of the knife.

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