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How to breed fresh yeast

How to breed fresh yeast
How to breed fresh yeast

Video: How to make Yeast at home (not sourdough) ✪ MyGerman.Recipes 2024, July

Video: How to make Yeast at home (not sourdough) ✪ MyGerman.Recipes 2024, July

The perfect taste and texture when baking bread helps to create fresh yeast, if you dilute them according to all the rules. This type of yeast provides the strongest fermentation.


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Proper breeding involves using only fresh yeast for these purposes. Their shelf life is about 6 weeks, if the temperature does not rise above 10 degrees. Fresh yeast has a uniform, creamy color; when pressed, they crumble and break, rather than being smeared. Without air access, the yeast deteriorates very quickly, so you can not store them in sealed containers. Before use, the yeast is well crushed, and then diluted with warm water until a homogeneous mass is obtained. With water temperature, you should be careful when breeding, too high will cause the death of the yeast and they will not work. The temperature should not exceed 40 degrees.


The freshness of the yeast can be estimated by some external signs. The smell should be slightly sour, the taste is fresh and pleasant. If a sharp acidic taste is present in the taste, this means a stale product. The musty smell shows the beginning of decay, the vinegar smack indicates infection with acetic acid bacteria. Almost always with stale yeast, the outer layer is several millimeters much lighter than the inside, this is evidence of its drying. But white plaque on the surface can also be caused by mold, which is much more dangerous, since its spores penetrate the entire depth of the briquette. It is impossible to determine the exact cause of the white coating on your own, and therefore most often you need to be prepared that such yeast will be worse suited. Yeast damage does not reduce mold.


Do not use yeast that is smeared when pressed with your fingers, as this indicates serious contamination with various infections. Impurities of mold also make the yeast soft and supple. Fresh yeast for making dough is mixed in a liquid nutrient medium with the addition of flour and other various additives, and left for 30-90 minutes to ripen. At this time, the yeast does not multiply, but only leaves the stage of suspended animation and becomes alive. Then, when the yeast cells get used to the new environment, their fermentation begins. The main indicator of the quality of the yeast is its lifting power, which is very difficult to evaluate without their activation.


An express quality check of both fresh and dry yeast is as follows: a small piece is ground in a tea cup and warm water is added. The mixture is left for 10-15 minutes. If no foam appears on the yeast during this time, it is impossible to use them in bakery.

The use of fresh yeast in home baking

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