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How to carve a moose

How to carve a moose
How to carve a moose

Video: Carve a Moose -Woodcarving How To Tutorial 2024, July

Video: Carve a Moose -Woodcarving How To Tutorial 2024, July

An elk is a rather large animal, and it would seem that hitting such a target is not difficult. However, this is not entirely true, if the hunter enters the intestines or stomach, the beast can run more than one kilometer before dying. The hunter has to search for prey for quite some time. Depending on how the beast was killed, the quality and taste of the meat is completely dependent. Try sanding and carving the moose carcass yourself, referring to the rules below.


Pick your recipe

You will need

- A sharp knife.

Instruction manual


The skin of an elk needs to be removed with a layer. To do this, turn the beast on its back and secure it in this position with ropes or chocks. Cut the skin in a straight line, starting from the larynx, moving along the neck, chest and stomach, to the very tip of the tail.


Flog the skin of the legs starting from the hooves, and connect the incisions at the anus and in the middle of the chest. Start by carefully skinning from both sides, starting from the sides. Then turn the carcass on its side and remove the skin for the line of the spine.


Turn the moose carcass to the other side and trim the rest of the skin until it is completely separated.


Now you can start carving the carcass right on the skin. First, cut off the legs, on the carpal joints the front and on the hocks - the back, then cut the sternum along the line of the cartilaginous joints with the ribs.


Carefully flog the peritoneum along the midline of the abdomen. Tilt the carcass on its side so that the stomach gradually falls out from the incision.


In the neck, cut the esophagus along with the trachea, dress the esophagus to prevent the contents of the stomach from spilling out. Cutting off the diaphragm and ligaments with a sharp knife, pull out all the insides through the hole in the chest.


Separate the lungs, kidneys, liver, heart and spleen. At a liver to cut a gall bladder. The rest of the moose carcass must be divided in half between the twelfth and thirteenth rib.


The head can be separated both at the beginning and at the end of cutting the moose.

Useful advice

It is worth knowing that the carcass of an elk may not be gutted for more than three hours, otherwise the meat will have an unpleasant taste. And if you leave the carcass for a longer time, without skinning and without removing the insides, the meat will be completely unsuitable for food.

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