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How to sprout buckwheat

How to sprout buckwheat
How to sprout buckwheat

Video: How to Sprout Buckwheat 2024, July

Video: How to Sprout Buckwheat 2024, July

By the number of useful properties, buckwheat rightfully occupies a leading position among all cereals. Phosphorus, iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium, vitamins C and E, B vitamins - this is an incomplete list of elements that stand up for your health when eating buckwheat. But buckwheat seeds become even more useful if they are germinated. The total content of antioxidants increases by 2 times, and the amount of vitamin C increases by almost 20 times! Most importantly, buckwheat seeds are very easy to germinate at home.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - peeled green buckwheat

  • - glass or porcelain bowl with a lid

  • - pure water (filtered or drinking)

Instruction manual


Buckwheat seeds rinse several times with running water. This can easily be done by dumping them in a colander with small holes or in a sieve. You can sort buckwheat with your hands right under the stream of water, but you need to do this very carefully so as not to damage the delicate embryos.


Put the washed green buckwheat in a prepared container. It is better if it is a volumetric glass or porcelain bowl.


Pour the seeds with clean water in a ratio of 4 parts water to 1 part buckwheat. The proportions may vary slightly depending on the capacity you choose. Pure water refers to filtered running, melt or silver infused water.


Leave buckwheat for 2-3 hours. Be careful: the seeds swell quickly, doubling in size. If left for a longer time, mucus may appear around the seeds. In this case, you will have to thoroughly rinse the buckwheat again.

Remember: if buckwheat seeds are under water for more than 10 hours, it is likely that it will ferment and deteriorate. Then all the work will go down the drain.


Gently drain the water. Spread green buckwheat evenly over the bottom and sides of the bowl. Cover the container so that the air supply does not stop. Leave the buckwheat for 12-20 hours in a dark place.


The seeds were about to hatch. Sprouts on average should be 1-2 mm. Usually they wait until the sprouts reach a length of 1-2 cm. To do this, leave the seeds for another day or two. Make sure that buckwheat does not dry out.

Buckwheat seeds are used both as an independent dish and as part of various salads, so choose the length of the sprouts in accordance with the recipe.


For germination, only green peeled buckwheat is suitable, that is, one that has not undergone heat treatment (steaming or roasting), but at the same time is rid of husks.

Useful advice

Green buckwheat can be eaten without waiting for its active germination. It is enough to soak the seeds for just a few hours, so that they swell and slightly hatch.

How to germinate grain and seeds

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