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How to Cook Green Asparagus

How to Cook Green Asparagus
How to Cook Green Asparagus

Video: How to Cook Asparagus in a Pan 2024, July

Video: How to Cook Asparagus in a Pan 2024, July

Asparagus is considered a leader among vegetables by its vitamin content. Therefore, it is so important to cook it as carefully as possible so that long-term heat treatment does not destroy beneficial substances. In contrast to white asparagus growing underground, green absorbs solar energy acting on it, which is why it differs from its sister in a more saturated taste and aroma.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • green asparagus;
    • water;
    • salt;
    • sugar;
    • butter;
    • high saucepan or double boiler.

Instruction manual


Unlike white asparagus, green does not need to be cleaned, its skin is so delicate that there is no need for it. It will only be necessary to trim the lower, stiffened ends, rinse the asparagus sprouts well under running water, and the initial treatment can be considered finished.


If the asparagus is fresh, and drops of juice protrude at the end of the stems with a light touch of a finger, then the above procedure can be skipped, just washing will be enough.


But if you got old stalks, you can’t do without a peeler. But in this case, you do not need to clean the stems completely. The hard skin of old sprouts usually covers only their lower third. If you don’t have a peeler, cut it with a sharp knife, trying to grab as thin a layer as possible.


If you decide to boil asparagus in water, select a very high or very wide pan for these purposes. Collect the processed stems in a bunch, tie them with an elastic band or kitchen thread. Boil water, add a pinch of salt and sugar and a small piece of butter to the pan.


Dip the asparagus into boiling water, immediately turn off the burner under the pan. After 10-15 minutes of being in hot water, the asparagus will reach the required degree of readiness, and it can be served to the table, flavored with a special sauce and side dish.


To prepare asparagus in a double boiler, simply spread the stems in a steam bowl and cook them no more than the same 10-15 minutes. If you digest them for some reason, the asparagus will become watery and lose its taste. In this case, the best sauce will not save her.

Useful advice

Green asparagus is good not only in boiled form. It can be baked in the oven and even eat raw as part of vegetable salads and as an independent snack.

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