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How to cook wrapped saiga zrazy

How to cook wrapped saiga zrazy
How to cook wrapped saiga zrazy

Video: CRAZY VEGAN STUFFED 'TURKEY' | wrapped in 'bacon' 2024, July

Video: CRAZY VEGAN STUFFED 'TURKEY' | wrapped in 'bacon' 2024, July

Zrazy cooked in this way look original, they have a very appetizing look, they will decorate any holiday table. And most importantly - they are very juicy and tasty.


Pick your recipe

You will need:

  • 750 g boneless saiga meat,

  • 1 lemon

  • 1/2 cup sunflower oil,

  • ground black pepper,

  • 7-8 juniper berries,

  • 1 pickle,

  • 150 g of fresh pork fat with layers,

  • 2 large onions,

  • dried mushroom

  • 1 teaspoon ground red pepper

  • green parsley

  • 2 tablespoons of bacon

  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of wheat flour

  • salt.

Cooking method

Take the meat, peel the film and veins, wash and cut into pieces. Then the pieces are well beat off.

Take the lard with meat layer, cut into strips the thickness of a pencil, roll in ground black pepper, red pepper and crushed juniper berries, peel the cucumber and cut into the same strips. Peel onions and cut into rings.

Grate the beaten meat with spices, salt, sprinkle with lemon juice and put in a container for 30 minutes.

Then put a strip of pork lard, cucumber and onion rings on each chopped piece, roll it up, pierce it with a wooden skewer or wind it with a thread. Roll the zrazy in wheat flour, put on a fat that is very hot in the pan and fry on all sides. Transfer to a pan with the slightly fried onion, put the mushroom, add a little water, close the lid and simmer for 40 minutes. When the meat becomes soft, you can add a little sour cream.

Serve with beets, cereals, pasta or potatoes.

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