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How to cook tasty and cheap

How to cook tasty and cheap
How to cook tasty and cheap

Video: Gordon's Quick & Simple Recipes | Gordon Ramsay 2024, July

Video: Gordon's Quick & Simple Recipes | Gordon Ramsay 2024, July

The urgent problem of our time is how to provide ourselves and our family with healthy and rational nutrition in the conditions of a sharply limited budget and time for cooking. Here is an example of how to feed your family tasty and cheap.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - a hen;

  • - cabbage;

  • - carrot;

  • - vegetable oil;

  • - potatoes;

  • - bow;

  • - rice;

  • - salt.

Instruction manual


Buy a big chicken. Cut it - cut off legs, breasts. Cook chicken broth from the skeleton.


In order to cook the broth, take a large pot. Put the chicken skeleton in it. Pour cold water to the brim.


Peel onions and carrots. Chop the onion finely, cut the carrots into circles. Pour into a pan with a skeleton. If you don’t like boiled onions, you can put a whole onion in the water, and when the broth is ready, pull it out.


Salt and put on a strong fire.


When the water begins to boil, reduce the heat so that the water does not boil, but slightly "gurgles". After boiling, cook for 1.5 hours.


The broth is ready. If you cook 2 liters of broth, then for 3-4 days you are provided with a nutritious first course, because you can later make soups with a variety of dressings - add cabbage, potatoes, noodles (make yourself or buy an inexpensive one).


Legs and breasts remained from the purchased chicken. Bake chicken legs in the oven with potatoes this way.


Wash, peel and cut the potatoes into small pieces.


On a baking sheet, sprinkled with vegetable oil, lay the chicken legs. Cover them with potatoes. Salt and sprinkle lightly with oil on top. Put in a well preheated oven for 40 minutes. The dish is ready.


From chicken breasts prepare a simplified version of pilaf. The approximate proportions of the ingredients (meat, carrots, onions, rice) are 1.5: 1: 1: 1.


Cut the breasts into pieces about 2 cm in size.


Chop onion and carrot finely. Do not rub the carrots on a grater - chopped carrots lose less juice.


Put breasts in a preheated oil pan. Sauté until white.


Add carrots to the meat. Stir and fry a little. Then add the onion, mix again.


As soon as the carrots and onions are browned, salt. You should not salt the meat separately - it will quickly give the juice away and will be dry. If you salt the meat before filling the rice, the rice is saturated with meat juice.


Gently sprinkle rice over meat with carrots and onions in a thin stream.


Very carefully, in order not to "disturb" the rice, add boiling water. In no case do not add cold or even warm water - the temperature regime breaks. The taste of pilaf from this will be worse.


The ratio of water and rice is strictly 2: 1, that is, 2 glasses of water should be taken for one glass of rice. This is the secret of crumbly pilaf.


After adding water, close the pilaf with a lid and reduce the heat to a slow one. Without opening the lid or stirring, wait 20 minutes. Then open the lid, mix and with the lid open, keep the pilaf on the fire for another 5 minutes - so that the remaining liquid evaporates. Pilaf is ready.


Thus, one chicken makes the first dish for several days and two dinners.


To spend less money on products, do not pay "for packaging" - do not buy goods only because of the bright wrapper. Do not buy canned foods, convenience foods and non-seasonal vegetables. Try to always be in the house - flour, butter, eggs, seasonal vegetables and cereals. Once a week, get a good piece of meat or chicken. If the body constantly requires meat, buy offal - liver, chicken ventricles, beef tongue.


To save time spent at the stove, the oven helps a lot. All you need to do is cut the ingredients and turn on the fire. Do not regret half the weekend. Take the time to hike around the markets and shops and prepare food for the future.

tasty to cook and cheap

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