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How to cook thin pita bread

How to cook thin pita bread
How to cook thin pita bread

Video: Soft Shawarma Bread | Pita Bread Recipe | KitcheNet Ph 2024, July

Video: Soft Shawarma Bread | Pita Bread Recipe | KitcheNet Ph 2024, July

Lavash has recently become more and more popular with housewives, because with it you can cook a huge variety of delicious dishes. But what if the ready-made pita bread is not at hand? You can cook it yourself using this recipe.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 4 cups flour;

  • - 1 tbsp. l vodka;

  • - 1.3 glasses of water;

  • - 1 egg;

  • - 2 tbsp. l vegetable oil;

  • - 1 tsp salt.

Instruction manual


Boil water with salt and oil and quickly brew 1/2 cup of flour in it. It is necessary to try to thoroughly stir all the existing lumps so that the mixture acquires a uniform consistency. Leave the mixture to cool completely.


Add egg and vodka to the mixture (optional), mix well.


Gradually add the flour to the mixture in small portions, then carefully knead the dough. The finished dough should not stick to your hands, and if the dough is still sticky, add a small amount of flour to it.


Allow the dough to brew for one hour (maybe even a little longer). During infusion, the dough should be kneading once. After an hour, you can start baking pita bread.


Divide the dough into small pieces the size of an egg and roll each piece as thin as possible. Bake pita bread on a heated frying pan on both sides, taking care not to fry the cakes too much.


Fill the prepared pita bread cakes on a dish placed in a plastic bag. This will allow the pita to remain soft, and you can easily wrap any filling to your taste in it.

Useful advice

If you want to keep pita bread fresh and soft for a long time, then you need to remove it from the bag, dry the cakes at room temperature and store them open. When you need to make a dish of pita bread, just fold the cakes in a bag and sprinkle with water. After a while, the pita will become soft again.

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