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How to cook pork in creamy mushroom sauce

How to cook pork in creamy mushroom sauce
How to cook pork in creamy mushroom sauce

Video: Pork Chops with Creamy Mushroom Sauce 2024, July

Video: Pork Chops with Creamy Mushroom Sauce 2024, July

Pork with mushrooms in a creamy sauce - an incredibly tasty and beautiful dish. Real table decoration!


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • -500-650 grams of pork,

  • -1 medium onion,

  • -200-250 grams of champignons,

  • -2 tsp of wheat flour

  • -200-250 ml of cream,

  • -3.5 Art. tablespoons of vegetable oil

  • - a bit of shallow sea salt,

  • - a little black pepper,

  • - a little fresh greens.

Instruction manual


My pork, dried with paper towels, cut into steaks. We choose the thickness of the steaks ourselves, but thinner is better.


In a pan, heat the vegetable oil. Put a layer of steaks on a preheated pan and fry for three minutes on one side, then turn over and fry for three minutes on the other.


Wrap the fried steaks in foil. Steaks can be folded into a container and wrapped in a towel.


Parsley or dill (whichever you like) are well washed and finely chopped. Several branches can be left intact - for decoration.


We clean the onion, cut arbitrarily. Fry until translucent.


Wash the mushrooms, dry, cut into slices.

Sprinkle the mushrooms with flour, mix and fry for a minute with onions.

Add cream to the mushrooms, mix and cook until thickened. Salt and pepper a little, bring to a boil and remove the pan with mushrooms from the heat.


We put steaks on portioned plates, pour cream sauce with champignons. Sprinkle with chopped herbs on top and serve on the table with any side dish (preferably with mashed potatoes).

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