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How to Cook Pike Stuffed with Mushrooms

How to Cook Pike Stuffed with Mushrooms
How to Cook Pike Stuffed with Mushrooms

Video: Щука фаршированная. Stuffed pike. 2024, July

Video: Щука фаршированная. Stuffed pike. 2024, July

A dish such as stuffed pike has always been considered a delicacy. It can be served on the festive table, and for an ordinary family dinner. But, of course, pike stuffed with mushrooms is a very tasty and healthy dish containing very few calories and a lot of vitamins.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - pike;

  • - mushrooms;

  • - sour cream;

  • - cream;

  • - White wine;

  • - thyme;

  • - starch;

  • - parsley.

Instruction manual


First of all, take a medium-sized pike and carefully cut it along the ridge. Remove all guts and bones. Rinse the fish thoroughly and pat dry.


Take a small pan and pour 1 cup of white wine into it. In this wine, boil previously peeled 8 or 9 mushrooms. Cooking should last approximately 5 minutes. Once the mushrooms are ready, remove them from the pan and dry.


Now in a separate saucepan, boil 1 cup of medium-fat cream and gently pour 1 tablespoon of starch, previously dissolved in water, into a thin stream.


Rinse a bunch of young parsley and 2 sprigs of thyme, chop them finely and mix with boiled cream.


Now cut the dried and slightly cooled mushrooms into small cubes and mix them with the creamy mass, mixing everything well. If you wish, you can add some salt to the stuffing.


Now you can begin to fill this mixture with the innards of pike. After filling the fish with a creamy mass, sew the back of the fish with threads so that the "filling" does not fall out. Top the fish completely grease with sour cream.


Put the fish on a baking sheet and bake it in the oven, previously heated to 180 degrees, until fully cooked.

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