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How to make Christmas kutia with dried fruits and poppy seeds

How to make Christmas kutia with dried fruits and poppy seeds
How to make Christmas kutia with dried fruits and poppy seeds

Table of contents:

Video: How to make kutya (Ukrainian Christmas dish) 2024, July

Video: How to make kutya (Ukrainian Christmas dish) 2024, July

Kutya is considered one of the most important dishes served at Christmas. It is with her that the evening meal begins and with it it ends. Each member of the family, including animals, should enjoy kuta so that the next year will be successful, rich, fertile and happy.


Pick your recipe

Proper kutia is made from cereal porridge, in which poppy or poppy milk and honey are added. The grain is necessarily crushed in a mortar. This is done in order to separate the husk. Traditionally, for the preparation of a Christmas dish, wheat, pearl barley or barley is chosen. On the table you need to serve kutia with honey.

What do the ingredients in the festive dish symbolize

Grain represents immortality and fertility.

Honey is pleasure and well-being.

Poppy - prosperity and fertility.

The more delicious and satisfying Christmas kutya is prepared, the more successful the next year will be.

How to cook kutya: traditional cooking features

For the manufacture of kutia, peeled grains were taken and cooked for several hours. In villages, this festive porridge languished in the oven until the grains became soft and bright. In modern life, you can use the oven. It is worth considering that the dishes should be ceramic or cast iron.

Milk made from a mixture of hazelnuts and poppy seeds was usually served for Christmas carol. To prepare it, it was necessary to steam the poppy seeds well, and pour the nuts with boiling water. Then mix and grind everything until a white liquid appears.

In addition, kuta was often seasoned with honey mixed with hot water. Steamed dried fruit was also added. The more nutritious the kutia, the better.

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