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How to cook minced fish

How to cook minced fish
How to cook minced fish

Video: How to make minced fish 2024, July

Video: How to make minced fish 2024, July

Minced fish products are very tasty and healthy. Fish is a source of vitamins necessary for bone formation and growth. It improves brain function. Everyone who leads a healthy lifestyle will like minced fish dishes.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • Fish - 1 kg
    • Onion - 2 pieces,
    • Carrots - 1 piece,
    • Average potato - 2 pieces,
    • Cabbage - 100 grams,
    • Pork fat - 100 gr.
    • Water or milk - 100 ml,
    • Egg - 2 pieces
    • White bread or loaf - 150-200 gr,
    • Salt
    • pepper to taste.

Instruction manual


Clean the fish, cut the stomach and remove the entrails. Cut off the head and tail. Rinse under running water. Let the water drain or dry the fish with a napkin.

Remove the fillet. To do this, cut the pulp from the side of the head and free the spinal bone. Remove any remaining bones. The fish of partial breeds (zander, pike) is cut on a fillet with and without skin. Skin is removed immediately after cleansing before cutting. To do this, lightly beat it with a knife or spatula.


Prepare the ingredients for the minced meat. Their composition and quantity will depend on the type of fish used.

For minced river fatty fish, you need onions, carrots, cabbage.

For minced river low-fat fish, you will need onions, potatoes, a slice of salted pork or fresh lard.

For minced sea fish you need onions, bread.


The fish is crushed in two ways: twist in a meat grinder or cut into small pieces.


Minced river fatty fish (carp, catfish, carp).

Mix chopped fish with twisted onions, carrots and cabbage. Add a raw egg, salt, ground pepper. Stir until smooth, gradually adding water or milk.


Minced river low-fat fish (pike, pike perch).

The technology of preparation is the same as from partial fish of fatty breeds. But it is recommended to add a little fat. It will add forcemeat softness and elasticity.


Minced sea fish.

Unlike river fish, sea fish is very tender. It is better to grind it with a knife, and not twist in a meat grinder. Instead of vegetables (cabbage, potatoes) that produce a lot of juice, use soaked bread. To do this, rub it on a grater. Take half the fluids.


Minced fish cutlets.

Soaked in water with your hands form cutlets, roll in flour. Fry them in large quantities of vegetable oil until golden brown. To cutlets are not coarsened, fry on low heat.


Forcemeat pike, sew, pour broth from under your head. Add spices before cooking.

If the pike was small, you can bake in the oven. Grease a baking sheet with oil, put the stuffed fish, sewing her head in advance. Bake for 1.5 hours at 180 degrees.

When serving, garnish with vegetables and herbs.


Eggs must be added, they are the main connecting link.

Useful advice

If desired, seasoning for fish can be added to the minced meat.

Pork fat can be replaced with butter.

how to cook minced fish

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