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How to make mashed potatoes without milk

How to make mashed potatoes without milk
How to make mashed potatoes without milk

Video: How-to cook Mashed Potatoes without milk 2024, July

Video: How-to cook Mashed Potatoes without milk 2024, July

Who doesn't like mashed potatoes? But it happens that the potatoes are almost cooked, but there was no milk in the refrigerator. It does not matter, because in the puree you can add other products that will not spoil the taste of your favorite dish since childhood.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - potatoes

  • - water

  • - salt to taste

  • - butter

Instruction manual


A common mistake of many housewives is that they clean potatoes in advance and place them in a container of water. During this time, the potato gives all the starch, and to taste it is strikingly different from just peeled. The ideal option is to throw freshly peeled potatoes in boiling water.


Potatoes are usually cooked over medium heat under a lid. Water should only cover the potatoes. At the end of cooking, it is necessary to salt, if desired, you can add basil and bay leaf.


Potatoes are cooked for approximately 20 minutes, after which the broth must be transferred to another container. Potatoes, if desired, can be slightly dried over low heat in a saucepan, but this is not necessary at all. It is best to crush potatoes with a wooden appliance rather than metal corollas or a mixer.


If the potato turned out to be a little dry, you can add a little decoction to it. Then butter is added. There are no proportions as such; each prepares as he sees fit. The potato is thoroughly beaten again.


A delicious mashed potato will turn out without milk and butter, if you replace these products with sour cream, cream and even kefir. In this case, you need to add kefir or cream carefully, because in a very hot environment, dairy products can curl. A budget option is mashed potatoes with dressing from onions, previously fried in vegetable oil. There are many options, the main thing is to continue experimenting.

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