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How to cook spicy pork with sweet potato

How to cook spicy pork with sweet potato
How to cook spicy pork with sweet potato

Video: Spiced Pork Chop with Sweet Potato Mash | Gordon Ramsay 2024, July

Video: Spiced Pork Chop with Sweet Potato Mash | Gordon Ramsay 2024, July

Try to cook this stew, combining the aromas of different culinary traditions. Oriental spices, sweet potatoes, and fruits are perfect for pork. A light side dish is a green salad.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 1 tbsp vegetable oil;

  • - 4 pieces of pork fillet 140 g each;

  • - 1 red onion;

  • - 2 petiole celery;

  • - 400 g sweet potato;

  • - 150 cranberry juice (with sugar);

  • - 150 ml of chicken stock;

  • - 1 petiole of ginger;

  • - 1 tbsp orange jam;

  • - 1 tbsp dry sherry;

  • - 1 tsp Chinese seasoning "5 spices";

  • - 2 anise stars;

  • - 4 tomato fingers;

  • - salt and pepper to taste;

  • - green onions for decoration.

Instruction manual


Prepare the ingredients. Coarsely chop the onion. Chop the celery with a medium dice. Straw chop the yam. Tomato fingers cut lengthwise into quarters. Peel and chop the ginger into thin strips.


Heat oil in a large heat-resistant pan or saucepan. Put the pieces of pork and sauté for 3-4 minutes on each side. Transfer meat to a dish and set aside for a while.


Put onion and celery in the same pan and cook for 2–3 minutes, stirring over medium heat. Add sweet potatoes (sweet potato), cover and stew vegetables for 3-4 minutes until soft.


Pour in the cranberry juice, stirring, the broth, sherry, put the ginger, jam, seasoning "5 spices", anise, salt and pepper to taste. Bring to a boil and return the pork back to the pan in the resulting sauce. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes.


Add the tomatoes, cover again and cook another 5 minutes. Tomatoes should become softer, but not lose their shape! Try if there is enough taste in the dish, and serve, sprinkled with chopped green onions.

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