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How to Make Healthy Flaxseed Pancakes

How to Make Healthy Flaxseed Pancakes
How to Make Healthy Flaxseed Pancakes

Video: Fluffy Flax Vegan Pancakes 2024, July

Video: Fluffy Flax Vegan Pancakes 2024, July

Flax is a plant that was known for its beneficial properties in ancient Russia. Flour is obtained by grinding flax seed. It contains fiber, magnesium, potassium, vitamin B1, B2, B6, vegetable protein and many other substances that the body needs. To get the most out of flaxseed flour, add it to your daily diet. The best way is to cook meals using flaxseed flour. If you make healthy pancakes with linseed flour, you get a delicious breakfast dish. And those who adhere to a healthy diet will surely like tender pancakes.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 1 cup wheat flour

  • - 1, 5 cups kefir

  • - 0.5 cups of flax flour

  • - 0.5 teaspoon of soda

  • - 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar

  • - 1 tablespoon of refined olive oil

  • -1 tablespoon of refined sunflower oil

  • - salt to taste

  • - 1 egg

Instruction manual


Pour kefir into a deep cup, add the egg. Beat well. Sift the wheat flour and add it to the kefir. Whisk well with a whisk. Sift the flaxseed flour, add it to the mixture and mix well.

Quench soda with one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and add it to the mixture. Pour in one tablespoon of olive oil. Whisk well with a whisk.



When the mixture for making pancakes with flax flour is ready, heat the pan well and pour vegetable oil on it. Proceed to baking pancakes. Pour the mixture into a pan with a large spoon. Turn it in different directions so that the mixture spreads over the pan in a thin layer.



As soon as holes appear on the pancake, turn it over to the other side. Remove from the pan as soon as the pancakes are browned and on the back side. Pour vegetable oil only when baking the first pancakes.

If you use a ceramic coated pan, all the other linseed pancakes will be easy to remove without the use of oil.

Useful advice

If it is easier for you to prepare a mixture for pancakes with linseed flour in a mixer - use a mixer for this.

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