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How to cook pilaf in a pan

How to cook pilaf in a pan
How to cook pilaf in a pan

Video: How to make the Greatest Uzbek Palov Tutorial (Pilaf, Plov, Osh, etc..) (HD) FastFoward Version 2024, June

Video: How to make the Greatest Uzbek Palov Tutorial (Pilaf, Plov, Osh, etc..) (HD) FastFoward Version 2024, June

It is generally accepted that a delicious pilaf can only be cooked in a cauldron or in a chicken bowl. However, modern housewives have learned to get out of the situation and cook pilaf in any dishes, for example, in an ordinary pan. It is available in the arsenal in every kitchen and is always ready to help out. Preference should be given to enameled dishes, pilaf does not burn in it, and stainless steel pans have thin walls.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • any meat;
    • Krasnodar rice - 2 tbsp
    • carrots - 1 pc;
    • medium-sized onion - 1 pc;
    • garlic - 3 cloves;
    • salt
    • seasoning.

Instruction manual


First you need to take a deep plate, pour rice and soak it, pouring hot water. This is necessary so that it swells and boils faster. Leave the rice for a while while cooking the roast, which will consist of onions, carrots and meat.


It is prepared very simply. And here there is a choice either to chop carrots, or simply cut into 0.5 cm wide slices. The taste of pilaf will not change from this, but it may be inconvenient for someone to eat large pieces of carrots in a finished dish. Finely chopped onions are added to the carrots. The meat is cut into medium sized pieces.


Vegetables and meat are fried over medium heat in a pan, in vegetable oil, which should completely cover the bottom. Cooking time can be determined by the color of vegetables. They should be golden. As soon as the vegetables are ready, rice is added, then salt and spices to taste, everything is poured with water, which will eventually cover the pilaf by 2 centimeters. If desired, you can add garlic, which will add piquancy to pilaf, bay leaf and spices.


Further, the pilaf will be simmering for about 20 - 25 minutes. You can slightly open the pan lid, do not interfere. As soon as all the water boils, the pilaf is ready.

As a rule, pilaf is served on a large dish, and it should be eaten with hands. However, you can move away from this ritual and arrange the dish on beautiful plates. When hot, pilaf is very full and nutritious. Cooked in a pan, it will not yield in its taste to pilaf cooked in a cast iron.


If you take round-grain rice, then in the end you can get porridge.

Useful advice

For the preparation of pilaf, it is best to take long-grain rice, it does not stick together during cooking, it does not boil. It turns out light and crumbly pilaf.

Pre-soaked rice will shorten the cooking process.

Garlic can be put directly with the peel, just wash it thoroughly. In the finished form, the skin itself will come off the cloves, and inside the garlic will be tender and soft, like butter.

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