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How to cook eggplant pepper salad for the winter

How to cook eggplant pepper salad for the winter
How to cook eggplant pepper salad for the winter

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Video: Баклажаны варёные на зиму по быстренькому! The eggplant cooked for the winter stuff! 2024, July

Video: Баклажаны варёные на зиму по быстренькому! The eggplant cooked for the winter stuff! 2024, July

For the winter, you can preserve not only tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers with whole fruits, but also prepare salads for the future. Vegetable mixtures with proper processing will retain all the taste and most of the vitamins.


Pick your recipe

For the preparation of salads for the winter, there are many recipes, among the ingredients of which are not only vegetables. For example, a delicious mixture with the addition of rice is obtained. But vegetable salads contain more nutrients and are able to maintain immunity in the winter.

Pepper and Eggplant Salad - Preparation of Ingredients

To prepare this dish, you need to choose different vegetables, so the mixture is obtained with a high content of vitamins. Salad vegetables are better than average to pick. Since harvesting is planned in large quantities, vegetables of each type will need to take 10 pieces.

You will need eggplant, bell peppers, onions, tomatoes, garlic (10 cloves). Spices: 6-8 peas of allspice and black pepper, 3 bay leaves, 2 tablespoons of salt and 4 - sugar. Nine percent vinegar - 100 ml, vegetable oil - 200 ml.

Vegetables need to be washed and prepared beforehand. Cut the tomatoes into slices, removing the stem, then scroll them in a blender. Cut the green top from the eggplant, cut in half lengthwise, then turn and do the same across. Each of the pieces is cut into cubes, put in a suitable dish. Eggplant can be bitter - in this case they are pre-soaked in salt water for half an hour, then washed.

Peppers cut into large squares, onions - into thick half rings. Cut the cloves of garlic in half or in three.

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