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How to cook meat on the grill

How to cook meat on the grill
How to cook meat on the grill

Video: The Art of Grilling: How to Grill a Steak 2024, July

Video: The Art of Grilling: How to Grill a Steak 2024, July

Grilling meat is traditionally considered the prerogative of the summer period. However, at home, you can deliciously fry meat in any weather. Grilled meat is fried on an open fire or charcoal, and they also use special frying surfaces with a corrugated bottom. Try to cook it yourself.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • meat portions;
    • spice
    • lemon
    • Tomatoes
    • vegetable oil;
    • electric grill.

Instruction manual


Pickle meat if you decide to roast it at home. Add salt and pepper, as well as onions, spices and herbs, you can add tomatoes and lemon. Keep the meat in the marinade for at least eight hours. Use a home electric grill. You can fry both on the grill and on skewers. Make sure that the grilled meat is slightly fried on the outside with a crust, but inside is soft and juicy.


Make beef meatloaf. To do this, take: one kg of beef, two carrots, onions, one egg, three tablespoons of mayonnaise, melted bacon one tablespoon, salt, pepper and herbs to taste. Peel the carrots, onions and chop finely. Add boiled eggs, peeled and chopped. Add spices and mix. Rinse the meat, beat off, add spices. Lay out the filling, roll a piece in the form of a roll and tie it with a rope. Fry on a wire rack on a home electric grill until cooked, periodically turn over. You can serve hot or cold.


Cook the beef fried with vegetables. Take: one kg beef tenderloin, one kg potato, 100 g butter, 50 g vegetable oil, one clove of garlic. Spices and herbs to taste. Wash the tenderloin and cut into portions. Beat and salt, also add spices. Fry on a grid, greased with vegetable oil, on a home electric grill until cooked. Boil potatoes in salted water. It can also be fried. Combine chopped greens with crushed garlic and melted butter, pour a mixture of potatoes. Serve hot.


Try a simple method of cooking: season the rhomb steaks, schnitzels and steaks with ground black (red) pepper, grease with vegetable oil and fry on both sides. Put a piece of cheese on each piece of meat shortly before the end of the roasting. Fry tomatoes, onion rings with meat for a couple of minutes. The dish is ready.


All recipes are also suitable for cooking over an open fire or charcoal.

Useful advice

If you are losing weight, bake meat without using oil. If calories do not bother you, pre-grease lean meat with a little butter.

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