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How to cook a mansaf

How to cook a mansaf
How to cook a mansaf

Video: Easy Mansaf recipe /منسف/ Mansaf/ mensaf ( Simple Step by Step Instructions) /Jordanian mansaf 2024, July

Video: Easy Mansaf recipe /منسف/ Mansaf/ mensaf ( Simple Step by Step Instructions) /Jordanian mansaf 2024, July

Mansaf is very tender due to the fact that the meat is boiled in sour cream. A gourmet dish that will make a huge impression on your guests and will undoubtedly decorate the festive table.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 2 kg of mutton

  • - 1.5 l sour cream

  • - 500 g of rice

  • - 100 g noodles

  • - 30 g of olive oil

  • -150 g of roasted almonds

  • - parsley

  • - lavash

Instruction manual


First, take the lamb, rinse, then chop it the size of a fist, put in a saucepan, pour cold water, add 2 onions and cook until cooked, about 2-2.5 hours, salt and pepper to taste.


Pour sour cream into another saucepan and set on fire, stirring constantly until boiling.


Then put the meat from the broth and transfer it to sour cream, dilute the broth from the meat and cook for 30-35 minutes.


While the meat is being cooked, take the small noodles and fry them until golden brown in olive oil in a saucepan.


Add washed rice to the noodles and fry it with the noodles for 1-2 minutes, fill with broth, cook until cooked, about 30-35 minutes.


Take a large tray, put a thin sheet of pita bread on it, put rice, meat on top, pour sauce, sprinkle with roasted almonds and herbs.


It takes 120 minutes of free time to prepare the mansaf.

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