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How to make tangerine cake

How to make tangerine cake
How to make tangerine cake

Video: Tangerine cake: a quick and delicious cake ready in no-time! 2024, July

Video: Tangerine cake: a quick and delicious cake ready in no-time! 2024, July

If you like tangerines and delicious desserts, then this cake is for you. Tender cakes stuffed with curd cheese and tangerines - it is impossible to resist. Preparing such a treat is very simple, try it.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • Dough:

  • - 230 grams of flour,

  • - 200 grams of sugar,

  • - 125 ml of milk,

  • - 8 eggs

  • - 2 teaspoons of baking powder,

  • - 2 teaspoons of grated tangerine peel,

  • - 1 teaspoon of vanillin.

  • Filling:

  • - 6 tangerines.

  • Cream:

  • - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grated tangerine zest,

  • - half a teaspoon of vanillin,

  • - 800 grams of curd cheese,

  • - 230 grams of powdered sugar.

  • Decoration:

  • - 3 tangerines,

  • - 70 grams of coconut flakes.

Instruction manual


For the test.

Divide the eggs into 8 yolks and 8 proteins. Beat the whites until lush foam is formed. Gradually add 50 grams of sugar to the proteins (cane can be used to taste). Leave the squirrels in a cool place.


Beat the yolks and 150 grams of sugar. When whipping, add 125 ml of milk to yolks, 2 teaspoons of grated tangerine peel and a teaspoon of vanillin.


Mix flour with baking powder, sift. Add flour to the whipped mass of yolks and milk, knead the dough. At the end of the dough, add whipped cream.


Pour the dough in two identical shapes (diameter about 22 cm). Bake cakes in the oven at 180 degrees 35 minutes.


Cool the finished cakes. Cut the cakes into two equal parts. If desired, soak the cakes with orange liquor.


For cream.

Combine cheese (it is better to use Philadelphia) combine with 230 grams of powdered sugar, orange liquor (the amount to taste, you can without it), a tablespoon of grated tangerine peel and vanilla (half a teaspoon). Beat until smooth.


For filling.

Divide the peeled tangerines into slices, which are clear from the fillet.


Put the cake on a dish, coat with cream. Put tangerines on the cream. Cover the tangerines with the following cake, which is also smeared with cream. On the cream - tangerines. Repeat the layers. Sprinkle the top of the cake and the sides with coconut, garnish with tangerines.

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