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How to cook chicken pancakes with cheese sauce

How to cook chicken pancakes with cheese sauce
How to cook chicken pancakes with cheese sauce

Video: Chicken Pancake Recipe | Easy Chicken Snacks Recipe | Kids Tiffin Box Idea | Toasted 2024, July

Video: Chicken Pancake Recipe | Easy Chicken Snacks Recipe | Kids Tiffin Box Idea | Toasted 2024, July

Chicken pancakes will surely appeal to all lovers of meat dishes. It is easy to cook them, and in combination with cheese sauce such pancakes will be appreciated even by true gourmets.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 200 g of cheese

  • - 300 g chicken

  • - 2 eggs

  • - 2 pickled cucumbers

  • - 2 tbsp. l flour

  • - 1 clove of garlic

  • - 2 tbsp. l sour cream

  • - salt

  • - pepper

  • - 1 tbsp. l lemon juice

  • - greens

  • - 2 tbsp. l mayonnaise

Instruction manual


Finely chop the chicken fillet, grate the cheese on a coarse grater and beat the eggs with salt and pepper. Mix the pieces of meat with a beaten egg, add two tablespoons of flour and 1/2 grated pre-cheese.


Form small pancakes from the resulting mass and fry on both sides until a golden crust appears. Prepare the cheese sauce separately.


Grate pickled cucumbers on a fine grater. Add chopped garlic and mix with sour cream and mayonnaise. The last ingredient will be grated cheese. Mix the mixture thoroughly and leave to warm in a water bath for several minutes. Sauce readiness can be determined by melted cheese.

Useful advice

Serve chicken pancakes hot in a hot form with warmed sauce. After cooling, the cheese hardens and the sauce becomes thicker.

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