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How to Make Sour Meatballs

How to Make Sour Meatballs
How to Make Sour Meatballs

Video: Sweet and Sour Meatballs 2024, July

Video: Sweet and Sour Meatballs 2024, July

Sour Meatballs is a Turkish dish. Tender, tasty, either soup or meatballs with gravy. This dish will surprise your guests.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 600 g minced meat

  • - 50 g onions

  • - 3 potatoes

  • - 1 carrot

  • - 1 cup green peas

  • - 2 eggs

  • - 100 g of rice

  • - 1/2 lemon

  • - 1 tbsp. l yogurt

  • - salt, pepper to taste

  • - 1 bunch of parsley

  • - water

  • - 2-3 tablespoons butter, margarine or 1/2 cup vegetable oil

  • - 2 tbsp. l flour

Instruction manual


Chop the onion finely, add the ground meat, herbs, raw rice, salt, pepper to taste. Mix well and beat a little.


Shape the meatballs so that they can fit comfortably in your mouth.


Take a saucepan and pour vegetable oil into it, or add margarine, put chopped onions and carrots. Fry for 3-5 minutes.


Add potatoes and fry another 3-5 minutes.


Pour all this with boiled water and put the meatballs. Stir slowly, as they may fall apart at first. And give them time to boil for 10-15 minutes.


We begin to prepare dressing for the soup. Combine flour, yogurt, yolk and half a glass of cold water.


Add the juice of half a lemon and send the dressing to the soup.


Add green peas and chopped greens and bring the dish to full readiness.


Cooking meatballs takes 50 minutes of free time.

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