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How to Cook Chestnuts-Stuffed Turkey

How to Cook Chestnuts-Stuffed Turkey
How to Cook Chestnuts-Stuffed Turkey

Video: How to Make Roast Turkey with Chestnuts and Cranberry Stuffing 2024, July

Video: How to Make Roast Turkey with Chestnuts and Cranberry Stuffing 2024, July

Whole baked turkey is usually served at the festive table and has long been a fairly familiar dish. Try to surprise your guests by placing an unusual filling inside the bird, consisting, for example, of edible chestnuts, sometimes they are also called maroons.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • 1 turkey weighing 6 kg;
    • 250 g chestnuts;
    • 2 apples
    • 2 onions;
    • 3 tbsp. l flour;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 1 tsp chopped marjoram;
    • salt
    • pepper;
    • 100 g strips of bacon;
    • soup greens for sauce;
    • a little starch.

Instruction manual


Wash the turkey carcass inside and out, make sure that there is no bag with the entrails left in it. By the way, you can quite use them when cooking dishes too. Just add them to the baking sheet, in which the sauce will then be prepared. Rub the turkey with salt and freshly ground pepper, leave to stand for some time.


To prepare the filling, peel the onions and apples, cut them into cubes, add whole chestnuts, flour, dry or fresh chopped marjoram, eggs, salt and pepper to them. Mix well. Stuff the turkey with the resulting mixture, connect the edges of the abdomen with special needles or just sew it.


Put a set of soup greens (and it may include carrots, onions, leeks, celery and parsley root) on a deep baking sheet, add a cup of water.


Heat the oven to 210 ° C.


Put the turkey on the greased grill, breast up. Do not spare oil so that the bird does not stick. Cover your turkey breast? strips of bacon. Place the baking sheet on the lowest level of the oven; one level up, place the turkey on the wire rack. Thus, the juice from the bird will drain into the substituted baking sheet, and she herself will not be in the water.


First bake the turkey for one hour at a temperature of 210 ° C, after which the heat will need to be reduced to 180 ° C and continue to fry for about 3 hours. If the bacon on the carcass has turned into a hard crust, you can remove it, it has already played a role - the fat has leaked out of it, and the turkey is saturated with a smoked aroma.


Remove the finished bird from the oven. Squeeze the juices gathered in a baking sheet under it into the pan, add a little starch diluted in cold water, 1 tbsp. tomato paste, if necessary, add salt, boil. Beat the resulting sauce with a blender to a puree state.


Cut the turkey into portions, arrange them on plates, making sure that each of them has both meat and filling. Pour sauce, serve. As a side dish, stewed cabbage is very suitable for this dish.


When working with poultry, special attention should be paid to the hygiene of the process. Therefore, do not forget to wash your hands and work surfaces well before and after cooking.

Baked turkey with gooseberry sauce

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